Hospitality Industry Workplace Safety Legislation: Wyoming Legislature Passes Bill Increasing Civil Penalties For Workplace Safety Violations

(From a article) A bill boosting fines and civil penalties for workplace safety violations will be considered by the full House.

The Wyoming Tribune Eagle reports that House Bill 93 passed the House Minerals, Business and Economic Development Committee on Wednesday by a 5-4 vote. Under the legislation, civil penalties would rise from a range of $5,000-$70,000 to a range of $8,000-$120,000 for each violation.

If the violation causes the death of an employee, the civil penalty amounts would increase to a range of $50,000-$250,000. For an employer with 25 or fewer employees, the minimum penalty would not be less than $25,000.

Fines for failing to fix problems or violating specific areas also would rise

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