Restaurant Industry Food Safety: Foodservice Employees’ Illnesses Are A Source Of Contamination At Restaurants And Can Be Traced To A Lack Of Insurance And Paid Sick Days

“…Affordable health insurance and paid sick days for all foodservice employees…would achieve significant and measurable improvements in food safety, especially as it relates to the thousands upon millions of non-outbreak, or sporadic, illnesses caused by contaminated restaurant food each year….”

(From a article)   First, many servers and food workers are responsible for covering their own shifts, which, in these times of lean staffing, can be next to impossible. Second, if they stay home, they make no money. Third, if they appear to “flake out” by not coming to work, they may lose premium shifts. They might even lose their jobs.

And so the food-safety precaution that the restaurant industry relies on to protect customers from much of foodborne illness is the expectation that these employees will decide on their own to stay home.

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Filed under Health, Liability, Training

6 Responses to Restaurant Industry Food Safety: Foodservice Employees’ Illnesses Are A Source Of Contamination At Restaurants And Can Be Traced To A Lack Of Insurance And Paid Sick Days

  1. Cody Allison

    I am doing a project for school on food safety in restaurants. I was wondering if you could just sennd back a brief message on the topic in regards to the issues. I only need a sentence or two. This would be really appreciated. Thank You

  2. Cody Allison

    I am doing a project for school on food safety in restaurants. I was wondering if you could just sennd back a brief message on the topic in regards to the issues. I only need a sentence or two. This would be really appreciated. Thank You

  3. Cody Allison

    I am doing a project for school on food safety in restaurants. I was wondering if you could just sennd back a brief message on the topic in regards to the issues. I only need a sentence or two. This would be really appreciated. Thank You.

  4. Cody Allison

    I am doing a project for school on food safety in restaurants. I was wondering if you could just sennd back a brief message on the topic in regards to the issues. I only need a sentence or two. This would be really appreciated. Thank You.