Hospitality Industry Safety: OSHA Outreach Training Program May Be Mandated Nationally As It Stresses “Safety And Health Hazard Recognition And Prevention”

The OSHA Outreach Training Program is our primary way to train workers in the basics of occupational safety and health. Through the program, individuals who complete a one-week OSHA trainer course are authorized to teach 10-hour and 30-hour courses in construction or general industry safety and health hazard recognition and prevention. Authorized trainers can receive OSHA course completion cards for their students. Over the past three years, over 1.6 million students have received training through this program.

*OSHA subpart references are provided for informational purposes;

training should emphasize hazard awareness

Mandatory – 6 hours  
One Hour – Introduction to OSHA, including:

  • OSH Act, General Duty Clause, Employer and Employee Rights and Responsibilities, Whistleblower Rights, Recordkeeping basics
  • Inspections, Citations, and Penalties
  • Value of Safety and Health
  • OSHA Website and available resources
  • OSHA 800 number
One Hour 
Walking and Working Surfaces, Subpart D – including fall protection
One Hour 
Exit Routes, Emergency Action Plans, Fire Prevention Plans, and Fire Protection, Subpart E & L
One Hour 
Electrical, Subpart S
One Hour 
Personal Protective Equipment, Subpart I
One Hour 
Hazard Communication, Subpart Z
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Filed under Health, Liability, Training

2 Responses to Hospitality Industry Safety: OSHA Outreach Training Program May Be Mandated Nationally As It Stresses “Safety And Health Hazard Recognition And Prevention”

  1. The OSHA Outreach training is already mandatory in Connecticut, Massachusetts, Missouri, Nevada, New Hampshire, New York, and Rhode Island.

  2. The OSHA Outreach training is already mandatory in Connecticut, Massachusetts, Missouri, Nevada, New Hampshire, New York, and Rhode Island.