Hotel And Resort Mineral Spa Safety: Risk Of Disease Transmission In Pool Spa Water Tied To Water Filtration Systems

“There’s a risk of disease transmission, there’s a risk of injury, there’s a real risk of death.”

The resort’s pool licence was revoked after inspectors found the water filtration system wasn’t working properly.

The issue lies with the pool’s 23 skimmers, which circulate the water through a central filter.

Engineers say that because of the high amount of minerals in the water, 19 of them are no longer working.

(From a article)   There’s a storm a-brewin’ at a luxury resort north of Regina where health inspectors ordered a mineral spa closed this weekend over health and safety concerns.

Dwight Hayter, CEO of the Manitou Springs Hotel and Mineral Spa, said Saturday he’s got “24 layoffs and a hotel full of unhappy guests” on his hands.

“We don’t think this was necessary,” he said, acknowledging there are problems with the spa but insisting he wasn’t given enough time to fix them.

“To have another month, month-and-a-half extension on such an important issue as this, we didn’t think was a stretch.”

But deputy medical health officer John Opondo said the spa has been on probation for more than two years.

“We have been working with them progressively, we’ve had provincial partners involved in a peer review process to really try and bring them into compliance,” said Opondo.

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