Hotel Industry Identity Theft Risks: Police Arrest Three At Oregon Hotel Who Used Fake ID’s And Stolen Credit Cards

“The name on the credit card, when they swiped it, didn’t come up on the display to match the id they had,” she said.

Hotel workers tried to verify the card with Visa, but they were unsuccessful.  Police arrested Patrick Marsden, Christopher Baker, and Arlene Goe for theft of services. Officers raided their room and seized credit cards, possible stolen property and equipment used to make fraudulent IDs.

Police arrested three identity theft suspects who rented a room at a downtown Portland hotel.

“For identity theft it’s pretty sophisticated,” said Detective Cheryl Waddell.

“Everyone denies ownership,” said Officer Clint Snodgrass.  “They say the stuff in the room is not theirs,” he added.

Detectives say the group also made purchases up and down the coast and at REI in the Pearl, all using fake id’s and fraudulent credit cards.

“They’ve gone pretty much exclusively digital,” said Waddell.

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