I started a job as a Engineering Supervisor at a  hotel in the Greater Sacramento area…..
- The first thing, I noticed wrong, was my maintenance department people– were being drowned by other department duties, like Shuttling, Banquets, Shampooing the rooms, which takes hours at a time and is a Houseman job!
- The second big thing, I noticed was Black Mold — harvesting, under the toilets in the rooms only to be thrown on the walls and ceiling by the exhaust fan distributing it. The third thing, I noticed was the ventilators on the roof not working, not even having any power in the wires? What the ventilators due, in a not working mode, is keep the rooms humid and acting like a fertilizer for Mold to grow!
- The problems kept coming and I would keep finding them. I tried to order supplies for the control of the mold and for special tablets for the A/C unit’s pans to kill fungus and bacteria mold that would mutate in the pans. After cleaning some of the A/C units I realized that these units have not been cleaned in over twenty years! This particular situation caused an out break in the seventies called the Legion Air Disease — killing hundreds of people at one timeGoggle it!
- The pool — was scheduled for it’s new drains so they would meet code. I believe my position was sacrificed to pay for those drains. That’s ok! As long as it is a safety thing and gets done? The rest of the pool’s equipment needs to be ripped out, its all old and bad! The deck needs to be resurfaced.
- I had the corporate fix holes in the Stairwells and a couple of the Boilers but all five boilers need to be replaced. I got their programming computer system– working and computers for the front desk to work for them, while I was their.
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