Hospitality Industry Health Risks: Outbreak Of Norovirus At Hotels And Restaurants Can Be Minimized With Antimicrobial Technology

“Ultimately, the impact an outbreak has on a hotel’s reputation could be devastating. Norovirus, for example, can be particularly dangerous for the elderly or very young, especially if customers have underlying health problems. Then there’s Campylobacter – the most common form of food poisoning – which is estimated to cost the UK economy £500m a year.”

  A leading microbiologist is calling on the hospitality and leisure industry to take more drastic action to minimise the risk of customers and staff being infected with potentially harmful microorganisms following a food poisoning outbreak at the Hilton Hotel in Glasgow.

 Dr Richard Hastings, a microbiologist for BioCote, says that by adopting antimicrobial silver ion technology into areas where hygiene is critical, like a hotel’s kitchen and restaurant, or public areas where there is high footfall, it can help lower levels of contaminating bacteria by up to 99.99%. This dramatically reduces the possibility of cross contamination and the risk of people getting infected.

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