Hotel Pool Liability Insurance: Hotel Owners Must Carry Umbrella Liability Insurance

“…especially with huge pools, umbrella liability insurance over and above your standard homeowners coverage is a must. Drownings, he says, can trigger court verdicts in excess of $1 million…”

Having a heart attack in a commercial pool is no exception when it comes to swimming pool liability. Goldenfarb says he just won a case in Orlando in which a drowning victim had a heart attack. Problem: The hotel pool lacked a defibrillator.

Hospital admission charges for Florida non-fatal drowning hospitalizations in 2008 tallied $16 million, according to the Florida Health Department. Commercial insurance paid just 34 percent of that.

â–  Limit alcoholic beverages around the pool. The Centers for Disease Control says alcohol use is involved in up to half of adolescent and adult deaths associated with water recreation.

â–  Be sure life saving devices are nearby and in good condition.

■ Never rely exclusively on flotation devices or posted warning signs. They won’t deter lawyers.

â–  Keep children away from pool filters and other mechanical devices that may injure them. In case of emergency, know how to shut off these devices and clearly post the information.

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