Hotel Industry Pool Safety Risks: “Balconing” Has Caused Over 30 Serious Accidents In Europe And Might Escalate At American Hotels

“…with four dead and more than 30 serious accidents in just two months, the dangerous craze of jumping from balconies into the hotel pool is getting completely out of control…”

‘Balconing’ – as it has been dubbed – is a growing problem in Spanish resorts, with the number of accidents already triple that of previous summers.


And in the space of just 12 crazy hours, the emergency services had to rush three people to hospital after three different jumps.

Most of the victims are young Brits, although the craze is also popular with Spaniards and Germans.

Internet video site YouTube has come under fire after countless clips of people leaping from balconies were uploaded in recent months.

According to a hotel receptionist in Alcudia, Mallorca, groups of drunken youngsters return after a night out and try to keep the party going by taking part in the deadly stunt.

“This year it has become a real plague,” she said.

According to Sebastian Darder, a spokesman for the Balearic Islands’ hoteliers’ association, all reported incidents of balconing were the result of drunkenness.

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