Hotel Industry Flood Damage: Hawaiian Hotels Damaged By Tsunami Would Only Be Covered By Flood Insurance And Commercial Policy "Difference In Conditions" Coverage

Typical property insurance policies written in the United States exclude flood and earthquake damages.

A tsunami is a tidal wave often caused by an earthquake; it is a flood and excluded under most policies. Generally, these perils are only covered by endorsement or special policies.

The normal insurance industry approach to uninsurable hazards has been to exclude them totally. This has left the problem with governments to resolve, and has led to a number of national disaster insurance funds or pools, either completely run by the government as in the case of the U.S. Flood insurance scheme,

Those in vulnerable areas should buy flood and excess flood coverage to insure for tsunami events.  It should be noted that automobile, vehicle, life and health insurance provide coverage for these events. Some mobile home policies and marine forms cover these risks as well. Accordingly, these catastrophes are not completely uninsured when they occur in the United States.

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