Hospitality Industry Fire Risks: Oklahoma Hotel Is Consumed By Fire Caused By "Electrical Short" But Fire Extinguishers And Good Escape Plans Prevent Tragedy

A three-alarm fire at America’s Best Value Inn and Suites near Mustang Rd. and I-40 forced people onto the streets as flames and smoke overtook their rooms.

“…Driven by the wind, flames quickly spread into the rafters and began pouring out of the roof…. Fire officials say the fire appears to have been caused by an electrical short…”

John Thompson works at the hotel and tried to put out the flames with fire extinguishers. He went through four of them before giving up and evacuating the area.

“We could only put out what was exposed,” Thompson said. “So, we knew it was a losing battle when it traveled.”

“Initially our concern was the wind. We had a pretty good breeze that was blowing through here and heavy smoke that was drifting all the way across Reno Avenue,” OKC Battalion Chief Greg Lindsay said.

Occupants in one of the rooms saw smoke coming from underneath the floor and pulled a fire alarm. Everyone was evacuated safely including two people who had to be rescued by ladder.

“Everything worked like it was supposed to and everybody was able to get out,” Lindsay said.

For more:,0,1882611.story

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