Hospitality Industry Property Risks: Texas Hotel's Insurance Company Sues "Irresponsible Hotel Guests" For Causing Fire Sprinklers To Flood 39 Rooms On Four Floors

“…the defendants damaged the hotel by hanging clothes on a fire sprinkler head mounted to the wall…the hanger broke the glass tube component in the sprinkler, which caused it to activate and release enough water to flood 39 rooms on four floors, a workout room and four corridors…”

An insurance company is suing over claims irresponsible hotel guests in River Oaks activated a sprinkler system, causing 39 rooms to flood. Lexington Insurance, on behalf of RLJ Development, filed a lawsuit on Monday, Jan. 23 in the Harris County District Court against Al J. Mizrahie, doing business as Belladonna U.S.A., and others, citing negligence.

Carpets, padding, drywall, baseboards, bedding, furniture and fixtures were damaged during the incident, the plaintiff claims.

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