Hospitality Industry Safety Risks: Texas Restaurants Receive "Dividends" Back From Workers Compensation Insurance Program For Maintaining "Successful Safety Programs"

“…dividends come back to restaurants participating in the TRA’s workers comp insurance program… creates incentives for the restaurants to have a safety program and to work with the insurance company and the employees to maintain a safer workplace….”

“Every year we get back … a little over half of our premium that we paid. So, it’s a big return of an expense,” says Lindskog whose company has been in the program since 2004. “A lot of people don’t want workers comp insurance because it’s expensive. But if you get half of it back, it makes it much more cost effective for your restaurant.”

Texas Mutual is the leading provider of workers comp insurance in the state. It was created by the Texas Legislature in 1991 when major reforms on workers comp became effective. Its board of directors is composed of individuals from companies it insures as well as those appointed by the governor of Texas.

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