Hospitality Industry Employee Risks: Pennsylvania Hotel Manager Charged With Felony Theft For "Activating Company Credit Card" And Making Over $20,000 In Purchases

“….(the former manager) …obtained and activated a credit card without the knowledge of the owners of Mifflinburg Hotel Inc./Scarlet D while he was employed as the manager…(he) then made numerous purchases from Oct. 13, 2010, through Oct. 7…”

A former manager at the Scarlet D/Mifflinburg Hotel is facing several felony theft charges after he allegedly activated a credit card in the business’ name and made purchases totaling $20,363.32.

David Alan Burns, 56, of 121 Georgetown Lane, Milton, was arrested and charged with felony counts of forgery-unauthorized act in writing, access device fraud, theft by deception, theft by failure to make required dispositions of funds received and receiving stolen property. He was arraigned and released on $25,000 unsecured bail.

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