Daily Archives: March 15, 2012

Hospitality Industry Legal Risks: California Hotel Owners Compliance With Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) "Pool Lift Regulations" Is Effective March 15; Vulnerable To "Unruh Civil Rights Act" Violation Lawsuits

“…California-based businesses should be particularly worried.  The Unruh Civil Rights Act, itself a wellspring for abusive litigation, incorporates the ADA by reference, making any violation of the ADA also a violation of Unruh…Unruh has more teeth than the ADA—$4,000 per violation, regardless of intent, plus attorney’s fees…”

 The Department of Justice granted the industry’s call for a clarification: But it was not the answer they wanted. All 300,000 public pools in the United States must install a permanent fixed lift. The deadline for compliance is tomorrow, March 15. Call it “Poolmageddon.”

There is no way all 300,000 pools can install permanent lifts by Thursday. There simply are not enough lifts in existence or enough people who know how to install them, according to industry spokesmen. Plus, each lift costs between $3,000 and $10,000 and installation can add $5,000 to $10,000 to the total.

The Administration has assured the industry that it does not plan to enforce the new guidelines right away.  But the ADA contains a private enforcement mechanism, empowering private attorneys to bring suit immediately, collecting attorney’s fees from violators.  As the article mentions, trial lawyers contributed over $45 million to Obama’s campaign.

For more:  http://ordinary-gentlemen.com/timkowal/2012/03/15/new-ada-guidelines-expose-pool-operators-to-private-lawsuits/

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