Hospitality Industry Employee Risks: Michigan Hotel Employee Charged With Stealing Money From Manager's Room; Background Check Would Have Revealed Lengthy Criminal History

“(the employee) allegedly stole $220 from the purse of her assistant manager who had been staying in a room at the hotel…a hotel manager confirmed that since the Lewis incident, the hotel now conducts background checks. The manager said had they known that Lewis had been convicted of crimes in the past, they would have not hired her…”

An employee of a Muskegon Heights hotel with a lengthy criminal background has been charged with a felony for allegedly stealing money from her manager’s room. Kortney Donesia Lewis, 24, of Muskegon, was arraigned in Muskegon County 60th District Court on Wednesday on one count of larceny from a building, a four-year felony, and as a fourth-time habitual offender.

“The manager noticed by surveillance video and key-code confirmation that Lewis had been in her room,” Gardner said. “Lewis was confronted and admitted it.”

Gardner said Lewis’ criminal history includes a 2006 conviction for an embezzlement charge; a 2009 conviction of larceny from a building and a conviction that same year for stealing and using someone’s credit card.

Based on that history, Gardner said it’s difficult to sympathize with the hotel officials who hired Lewis. “In this case it doesn’t just seem to be the responsibility of the defendant for her actions, but for the hotel for hiring a woman with an extensive criminal history for theft crimes,” he said. “It defies commonsense to give a person with that background access to rooms that often times hold valuables.”’

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