Hospitality Industry Property Risks: Texas Restaurant “Natural Gas Fire” Caused By Faulty Water Heater; Damage Estimated At $15,000

“…When firefighters got to the scene, the cook there told them that he heard the hot water heater pop and Restaurant Firethat’s when they saw the fire… Crews immediately evacuated the restaurant and the surrounding businesses, but they also had to cut the gas off before they could put out the fire, which was located in the restaurant’s mechanical room…”

Fire officials said a hot water heater is to blame for a natural gas fire at a Chinese restaurant on the city’s northwest side. The fire broke out at about 4:18 p.m. Sunday afternoon at the Hunan Chinese Restaurant.

Fire officials said this natural gas fire caused about $15,000 worth of damage.

Nobody was hurt in the fire and the surrounding businesses opened back up later that Sunday.

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