Hospitality Industry Security Solutions: Texas Hotels And Motels Form “Crime-Fighting Network” By Using Email Chain To Report Local Criminal Activity

“…there are about a hundred hotels on an email chain, reporting criminal activity… Awhile back, police busted a counterfeit ring happening in area hotels…they were eventually caught because we had shared the information amongst the hotel network, they were caught by the police Hotel Crime Fighting Networkdepartment…businesses also rely on surveillance cameras to alert each other of suspicious activity…”

You can call it a crime-fighting network of sorts. Area hotels and motels work together to help keep you safe. “You never know when a situation will come up, ” said Bill Brendel, General Manager of the Crockett Hotel downtown.

Unfortunately, Brendel went on to say the crime at the top of hotels’ list are car burglaries. You’ll find most hotels have signs warning you about them. “So we just tell people don’t leave a bunch of things in your car, ‘ Brendel went on to say.

During the peak of the summer tourist season Brendel says the San Antonio Police Department will work closely with downtown hotels to keep an extra eye on your car. “And they do extra surveillance, and it’s been very effective, ” said Brendel.

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