Hospitality Industry Safety Risks: Washington Hotel Guest Drowns In “Murky Swimming Pool”; Firefighters’ Rescue Pole Failed To Locate Victim

“…Just over a month earlier, health officials had closed the pool when an inspection revealed the water had no chlorine and was cloudy a Hotel Pool Drowing Risksspokesman for the health agency (stated)…It was reopened two days later after hotel management corrected the problem…firefighters conducted a grid search of the pool using a rescue hook and thermal-imaging camera but were unable to find (the victim), according to a fire department statement…”

The Seattle Fire Department is reviewing why its first responders could not find a Washington State University student who had sunk to the bottom of a murky hotel swimming pool and eventually drowned, The Seattle Times reported Friday. Tesfaye Girman Deboch, 27, died in the pool at the Quality Inn & Suites Seattle Center on June 30, after firefighters using a rescue pole failed to locate his body.

Officials for Public Health – Seattle & King County say the pool has a history of problems and should not have been open because of the murkiness of the water. The health agency has launched its own investigation, the Times reported.

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