Hospitality Industry Safety Risks: Ohio Hotel Sued For “Negligence” By Family Of Security Guard Stabbed To Death By Homeless Man; “Unlocked Outside Stairwell Doors” Posed Safety Threat

“…(the suit claims) the  hotel was obligated to provide a safe place for its employees to work, (but) the outside stairwell doors were left unlocked as Hotel Wrongful Death Lawsuitspart of hotel  policy…the suit claims the  hotel’s employees routinely left exit doors to the stairwells unlocked from the  outside, and the family’s attorney said this allowed the homeless (man) to come inside and sleep…the  safety threat posed by the unlocked doors was foreseeable and should have been  prevented…”

The family of a security guard who was stabbed to death while on duty has sued  the hotel where he worked. Richard Campbell was  stabbed to death on his 58th birthday, Dec. 7, when he confronted a man in the  stairwell of the Hilton Netherland Plaza in downtown Cincinnati. Joseph Tucker pleaded  guilty last month to one count of murder in the slaying and was sentenced to 15  years to life in prison.

Tucker said he was high on  marijuana and drunk at the time, and he said he’s not sure why he stabbed  Campbell. Police said Tucker was in  the process of stealing something when the security guard confronted  him. Campbell’s brothers and  sisters filed a lawsuit Tuesday in Hamilton County Common Pleas Court, claiming  the hotel was negligent.

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