Hospitality Industry Information Risks: “Cyber-Risk Insurance” Protects Businesses Against “Data Breaches”

…CFOs are looking for insurance against cyber threats. In the past few years,  cyber-risk coverage has become one of the fastest- Cyber Risk Insurance Graphicgrowing businesses for insurers…Businesses, government agencies, hospitals and schools in  the U.S. reported 343 data breaches this year through July, reports CFOJ’s  Maxwell Murphy. That exceeds the number reported in all of 2006 and puts 2013 on  pace for 588 breaches, the most since 2010…”

Data breaches have been on the rise after a dip in the past two years, and experts say the publicly disclosed breaches of computer networks may be only a  fraction of the total.

Cybersecurity used to be something that Ciena CFO James Moylan Jr. delegated. But now he spends as much as 10% of his time making sure  Ciena and its technologies are protected from hackers, cutthroat competitors and other potential cybercriminals. “With all the things that have been in the  news—hackers and, frankly, the Chinese—it’s all caused us to think about” how to cut the potential cost of a data breach, he says. The average cost of a breach  is about $188 per stolen record, and the average loss per incident is $9.4 million, according to a study last week from the Ponemon Institute.

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