Hospitality Industry Legal Update: “Hotel Hospitality: How to Stay on the Right Side of the Law”

“…No hotel firm wants to see their guests get hurt or for customer death to occur that they may have contributed to. Tragedies such as these are usually completely avoidable if the hotel Image follows health and safety and hospitality law guidelines for their guests. To keep on the right side of the law make sure you are fully up to date on your legal obligations towards your clients…?

The Hilton chain of hotels and its related businesses are being sued after the death of 27 year old Raul Hernandez Martinez, who was electrocuted after using a swimming pool at the Hilton Houston Westchase Hotel. According to, he and his relatives had been using the pool on the evening of August 31st 2013 when the pool lights turned on as it began to get dark.

People began to complain of being shocked by electrical current and a child that was swimming at the deep end began to get into difficulties. On swimming over to him to assist him, Mr. Martinez was shocked and began convulsing.  Although he managed to lift the child out of the water, he was unable to get out. When he was pulled out, he had gone into cardiac arrest. He died six days later in the intensive care unit of the local hospital.

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