Millennials and the Art of the Bizcation

There has been a lot of talk about ‘bleisure travel’ and ‘bizcations’ recently, which happen when a guest combines business travel with leisure and nearly every article I found on the topic highlights the opportunity for business travelers (often millennials) to extend their stay for a few days so they can bring their family along for a mini vacation.


This is great, and certainly a trend that should not be ignored, but what about the Millennials who don’t have families?

When you ask a 20 or 30 something what they like to do in their spare time, chances are you are going to hear “travel” somewhere in their answer. Millennials love to explore and many are obsessed with the romantic notion of seeing the world. Yet, with so much to see in the world, it is nearly impossible to get to it to all, especially while holding down a full-time job.

Enter the bizcation. Opportunities for Millennials to turn a business trip into a vacation are more obvious in bigger cities and international destinations– New York, Las Vegas, London, Barcelona etc., but that doesn’t mean your property in the Midwest or a small town on the East Coast shouldn’t target bleisure travelers.

I think it is important to point out that while Millennials want to see the world and visit many countries, they are just as curious about destinations close to home. What they are ultimately seeking is adventure, a good story to tell, and an experience they can share with friends. As a hotel marketer, it is your job to pick out these opportunities for adventure near your hotel and share these ideas with your guests. Give them a reason to want to explore your city or town, and they will come.

By now, you know the typical tactics to turn a business traveler into a bleisure traveler: Offer them a special rate for the weekend, throw in perks such as free wi-fi or free breakfast, highlight fun & interesting activities near your hotel, etc. What you may not realize is that you are more likely to entice Millennials with a few small tweaks to your typical messaging.

Most hotels & resorts list nearby attractions on their website, but how can you re-think this section to target the Millennial audience? The trick is making sure you highlight UNIQUE attractions & activities that are hard to come by in any other place.

Below, I show you how to look for alternate activities to list on your website and in your marketing message that may better attract Millennials.

For more:

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