Hospitality Industry Health Risks: "Bed Bug" Workshops Planned By Hotel Industry Association And National Pest Management Association (NPMA)

From identifying bed bugs to inspection techniques to public relations issues and legal ramifications, nationally-recognized experts will provide management tips to help hoteliers make informed decisions and stay out of the newspaper – and the courtroom. Many of AH&LA’s partner state associations are assisting in providing local speakers to lead hotel-specific discussions. Additionally, a marketplace component enables attendees to learn latest in bed bug products and management services. And, AH&LA members can earn recertification points by attending.

“Although last year’s headlines of bedbugs have abated, our industry and others are grabbling with how to best combat this most resilient pest,” said AH&LA President/CEO Joe McInerney. “From developing a targeted action plan to having an effective media response plan in place, these workshops will provide hoteliers with invaluable resources.”

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