Hotel And Resort Spa Health Risks: Massage And Foot Treatments Can Expose Guests To Infections And Health Risks

“…While most of today’s spas promise to restore, refresh, and renew — and some offer even more explicit health claims — they generally don’t warn you of the potential risks involved. But they do exist. Certain spa treatments can worsen chronic and acute health conditions. All spas can pose risks to the general public, particularly when operated in a state of uncleanliness…”

(From a article)

  •  People with diabetes need to take extra precautions when getting foot treatments. “Any break in the skin, potentially from aggressive trimming of a callous or cuticle, can increase the risk of foot infections called cellulitis,” says Sharon Horesh, MD, an internal medicine doctor with Emory University’s department of medicine.
  • When it comes to massage, experts say that the degree of risk involved depends on the type of touch applied. “The most important adaptation for chronic disease, like cancer, is touch level,” says Kathleen Clayton, a licensed massage therapist and spokeswoman for the American Massage Therapy Association. 
  • “…all potential massage-goers to receive massages only from licensed massage therapists….”
  • “In the second and third trimesters, women should specifically seek a pregnancy massage therapist and avoid massage techniques that involve long strokes along the legs or pressure between the ankle and heels,” Horesh tells WebMD.  There’s good reason to heed this advice. “There’s always a chance that it might make the baby dislodge, or induce premature labor,” explains Clayton.

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