Hospitality Industry Property Risks: California Restaurant Kitchen Fire Caused By "Commercial Gas Grill" Igniting Wood Inside Wall; Repairs Estimated At $10,000

Restaurant Fire

“…Firefighters were hampered by multiple concealed spaces caused by past remodeling. Firefighters located the seat of the fire in the wall and extinguished it with a small amount of water, but found that the fire had traveled through the wall and in to ceiling spaces between layers of roofing materials above…”

Humboldt Bay Fire responded to a reported structure fire at Pho Thien Long Restaurant, 615 F St. Upon arrival fire personnel were directed to the kitchen area where light smoke was seen coming from a hole in a wall and the wall was extremely hot to the touch. Fire personnel directed restaurant customers and staff to exit the building. Power and gas was secured to the building as firefighters began cutting in to the wall to locate the fire.

Humboldt Bay Fire spent about 90 minutes ensuring that any remaining pockets of fire had been extinguished. The restaurant was turned back over to the business owner. The fire caused about $10,000 damage, and the business will need extensive repairs before it will be able to reopen. The cause of the restaurant fire appeared to be accidental. The fire was caused by heat radiated from a commercial gas grill igniting the wood in the wall.

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