Hospitality Industry Insurance Risks: “Slip And Fall Accidents” And “Cooking Fires” Represent Top Operational Risks For Restaurant Owners

“…more than 3 million foodservice employees are injured each year from slip-and-fall accidents. With an average cost of almost $21,000 per claim, this is a substantial risk when you consider the number of guests slip_and_fall accidentwho also fall each year in a foodservice establishment…”

Cintas Corporation, a nationwide leader in restaurant facility solutions, identified the top 13 hidden risks to restaurant operations in 2013. By identifying potential risks before they become a problem, restaurant owners and managers can reduce their exposure and maximize their bottom line by ensuring the proper programs are in place.

  • Slip and falls: According to the National Floor Safety Institute (NFSI), more than 3 million foodservice employees are injured each year from slip-and-fall accidents. With an average cost of almost $21,000 per claim, this is a substantial risk when you consider the number of guests who also fall each year in a foodservice establishment. Protect floors, workers, and patrons with a comprehensive safe-floor program that includes deep cleaning, protection, and ongoing maintenance.
  • Cooking fires: By knowing that the majority of restaurant fires occur around 10 a.m., restaurant operators can develop a fire protection system that prevents or limits the spread of cooking fires. Ensure that hood suppression systems are regularly inspected by a licensed fire protection provider so they are always in working order and ready to extinguish a fire. Also, have your kitchen hood and exhaust ducts cleaned of excess grease and fuel at regular intervals.

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