Hospitality Industry Employment Solutions: Hotel Owners Must Utilize “Modern Technology And Processes” To Increase Positive Working Atmosphere For “Back Of House Employees”

“…modern technology that maximizes efficiency is lending a hand to the process of putting employees in a positive state of mind…take good care of the staff and they’ll return the favor to the guests…Placing the newest technology in the back of house at any resort is just as important as using it for guestrooms and amenities…”

Hotel Employee SatisfactionAny customer-centric business is only as good as its weakest link. Money spent on a strong back of house will surely pay dividends. It’s crucial for the back of house at a resort to create a pleasant, efficient atmosphere for the employees which, in turn, influences the service they provide to guests and increases productivity.

At Revel, the new $2.4-billion luxury property in Atlantic City, New Jersey, the back of house is as nice as the guest amenities at many resorts. With more than 1,800 rooms, 10 swimming pools, 14 restaurants and more than 4,000 employees, having an efficient, enthusiastic and motivated staff is critical for Revel.

  • Efficient elevators At Revel, the elevators are reminiscent of Disney World. You walk to where you need to go, leave the wardrobe area and then magically appear somewhere else. The elevators were designed to be fast. By combining group dispatching with directed elevator shafts and proper speed settings, it’s easy to get employees where they need to be without delay. The employee elevators at Revel move with efficiency and on multiple tracks, so employees aren’t stuck wasting time traveling from location to location. Instead, the speed instills a sense of energy that’s designed to prepare the staff on a positive note.
  • Wardrobe conveyor systems Elevators aren’t the only technological advancements. Employees never have to worry about misplaced work uniforms, having to press their uniform or leaving a piece behind accidentally. Meet Revel’s wardrobe process and conveyor systems. Each employee is provided three uniforms (one to wear, one as a backup and one that is being laundered).
  • Touchdown stations Employees can check email and message people from touchdown stations. These stations enable employees to stay in touch with the outside world while at work and when it’s appropriate. Additionally, they can use the touchdown stations to get the latest information on the events in the hotel and other information that prepares them to be a resource for any guest.
  • Communications Instant communication is a major part of today’s customer service. By communicating through cell phones—sometimes provided by employers—supervisors have quick and easy ways to relate situations to all needed members of staff. Immediate response better serves the guest.
  • Efficient food services When employees have to leave work for lunch or worry about paying for food, their attitude on the job can be affected. By providing employees with a hassle-free way to get their meals in a relaxing and calm environment, they can focus on the job at hand. Quick meals, such as muffins and coffee in the morning and sandwiches and sodas at lunch, are readily available in the employee dining room. This is particularly important for 15-minute mid-shift breaks. Employees are provided access to upscale dining with multiple choices that are available 24 /7.

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