Hospitality Industry Alcohol Sales Liability: Hotel And Restaurant Bar Owners Can Face Huge Damages From Lawsuits Resulting From Drunk Patrons Car Accidents

Make sure you have liquor liability insurance and that there’s plenty of financial space between you and your business.

“These types of cases can put a bar, a grocery store, convenience store, hotel or restaurant out of business and if they’re not careful, the people that are behind the ownership could see their houses or bank accounts put at risk,”

A recent Supreme Court ruling is going to put more pressure on businesses that sell alcohol.

Bars, restaurants, and even convenience stores could face stiffer penalties for selling alcohol to someone who ends up injuring someone else in a car accident.

On Monday, the Supreme Court of South Carolina upheld a 2003 ruling that awarded $10 million to a man who sued a bar after one of its patrons ran into him on a Greenwood highway.

“These types of cases can put a bar, a grocery store, convenience store, hotel or restaurant out of business and if they’re not careful, the people that are behind the ownership could see their houses or bank accounts put at risk,” said Christian Stegmaier, a retail and hospitality specialist at Collins and Lacy in Columbia.

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