Category Archives: Maintenance

Hospitality Industry Health Risks: Health Department Confirms Deaths Of Two Chicago Hotel Guests After Exposure To Bacteria Causing Legionnaires' Disease

“…Health officials said Monday that two people have died of Legionnaires’ disease after being exposed to the bacteria that causes it at the JW Marriott Hotel…”

Last week, the hotel issued a warning to all recent guests, and began the complicated process of notifying the 8,500 guests who stayed there from July 16 through Aug. 15 that they may have been exposed to the bacteria known to cause serious and sometimes fatal bacterial infections, ABC Chicago reports.

The bacteria, Legionella, spreads through the inhalation of contaminated water vapor, and can cause Legionnaire’s disease, a severe form of pneumonia, Fox Chicago reports. Symptoms include headache, chills, chest pain and fever.

The disease often mirrors regular pneumonia, and can only be confirmed by a urine test, infectious disease expert Dr. John Segreti told CBS Chicago. Dr. Kathy Ritger with the Department of Public Health told WBEZ that not all exposures lead to illness, but any recent guests experiencing respiratory problems should seek medical attention.

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Filed under Guest Issues, Health, Liability, Maintenance, Management And Ownership, Risk Management

Hospitality Industry Safety Risks: Multistory Hotels Face Increased Fire Risk From "Elevator Lift Shafts" That Provide "Ready Pathway For Toxic Smoke And Fire" To Travel Upwards

“…lift shafts provide a ready pathway for smoke and fire to travel upwards in multi-storey buildings.  Buoyant fire gases in a lift shaft can quickly fill upper floors, and there is much evidence to suggest that the majority of fatalities in such fires occur on higher floors significantly removed from the seat of the fire…”

Fires involving lift shafts pose particular risk in hotels where there can be large numbers of people, some of whom may be elderly or infirm, and in an unfamiliar place.  In 2007 alone, it’s estimated that one in 12 hotels and motels in the USA suffered a structural fire. 

That was certainly true in 1980 MGM Grand Hotel fire in Las Vegas which claimed 84 lives, the worst disaster in Nevada history.  In that incident, while the fire primarily only damaged the second floor, most of the deaths occurred on the upper floors, with elevator shafts and stairwells allowing toxic smoke to spread upwards.

It’s hard to overestimate the impact this fire had on both our understanding of vertical fire movement and on the building regulations to mitigate against fire risk.  The fire in a garment factory in a tall building claimed 146 lives, and directly led to new laws on building access and egress, fire proofing requirements, the availability of fire extinguishers, the installation of alarm systems and automatic sprinklers.

Under current fire safety legislation it is the responsibility of the person(s) having responsibility for the building to provide a fire safety risk assessment that includes an emergency evacuation plan for all people likely to be in the premises, including disabled people, and how that plan will be implemented. Such an evacuation plan should not rely upon the intervention of the Fire and Rescue Service to make it work.

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Filed under Fire, Guest Issues, Health, Injuries, Maintenance, Management And Ownership, Risk Management

Hospitality Industry Safety Risks: Hotel And Resort Pool Drain Covers Must Comply With Federal Laws (Video)


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Filed under Guest Issues, Injuries, Insurance, Legislation, Liability, Maintenance, Management And Ownership, Pool And Spa

Hospitality Industry Property Risks: Missouri Hotel Roof Fire Results In "Severe Smoke Damage"; Costs Estimated At $20,000

“…(there was a) significant amount of smoke throughout the building…and damage in the lobby…estimated preliminary damage costs to be $20,000, according to the news release…”

A roof fire caused severe smoke damage at the Quality Inn in north Columbia on Tuesday afternoon. Kasey Ryan, a general manager and director of sales at the Quality Inn, said she thought the fire started between noon and 1 p.m.

“We noticed smoke in the lobby,” Ryan said. Guests lingering after a lunch meeting in the motel were asked to evacuate. Columbia Fire Department personnel arrived at the scene shortly after. Firefighters requested a second alarm roughly 20 minutes after their initial arrival, according to a news release. A dozen firefighters, five fire trucks, one ambulance and four police vehicles were present about 2:30 p.m.

Everyone safely evacuated and no injuries were reported.  “We’re just going to go through the process of cleaning up,” Ryan said. Ryan said she hopes the motel will be open in 24 hours, but a reopening date has not been set.

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Filed under Claims, Fire, Insurance, Maintenance, Management And Ownership

Hospitality Industry Property Risks: "Tornado-Damaged" Missouri Hotel Reopens After Spending Millions Of Dollars Repairing Windows And Structure

The tornado caused millions of dollars in damage, but no one was seriously injured…even the landscaping was dug up because of fallen glass.

The Hilton Hotel at Branson Landing will officially reopen September 15, more than six months after it was damaged by the Leap Day tornado. Since the February 29 EF-2 twister, 3,400 energy-efficient replacement windows have been installed at the hotel.

Nearly every piece of furniture and nearly all the carpet in the 12-story hotel will be new. The outside of the hotel will have a new look, too.

The Hiltons of Branson say new thermostats in all the guest rooms have a motion-detector system, allowing the room temperature to return to a pre-set level when the room is not occupied.

The temporary closure cost some team members their jobs. There are plans to rehire staff once the hotel reopens this fall. The Branson Convention Center, which sustained less damage than the adjacent hotel, reopened in the late spring.

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Filed under Claims, Insurance, Maintenance, Management And Ownership

Hospitality Industry Legal Risks: Illinois Hotel Sued For "Failing To Recognize Signs Of, Inspect And Exterminate Bed Bugs In Guest Rooms"

“…(the lawsuit) is against…Marriott and the former Hickory Ridge Marriott Conference Hotel for failing to provide guests with a sanitary rooms, failing to inspect and exterminate rooms and failing to recognize signs of bed bug attacks, among other claims…”

Two women filed a lawsuit Monday in Cook County Circuit Court againstMarriott International Inc.and a now-closed Lisle Marriott Conference Center after claiming they and their respective children received numerous bed bug bites while staying at the hotel last August. April, Safford and the two children stayed at the suburban hotel from Aug. 6 to Aug. 15, 2011, according to the lawsuit.

During her stay at the hotel, April noticed bumps and bites all over her child’s “arms, hands, back, legs and scalp” while helping him get dressed, according to the lawsuit. She brought this to the attention of the manager, who asked if April had made a request for clean sheets, the lawsuit says.

The two women and both children were diagnosed as having “numerous bed bug bites from a significant infestation,” according to the lawsuit.

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Filed under Guest Issues, Health, Liability, Maintenance, Management And Ownership, Training

Hospitality Industry Property Risks: Delaware Restaurant Fire Caused By Electrical Failure; Unoccupied Building Suffers Significant Damage

 “… investigators determined the blaze was caused by an electrical failure in a storage room…causing approximately $100,000 in property damage to the unoccupied building…”

The Delaware fire marshal’s office says an early morning blaze that damaged a New Castle restaurant was accidental. The fire was reported shortly after 5 a.m. Sunday at the Casablanca restaurant on North DuPont Highway near Minquadale.

No injuries were reported in connection with the fire, which occurred while the building was closed and unoccupied. The fire caused an estimated $100,000 in damages.

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Filed under Claims, Fire, Maintenance, Management And Ownership

Hospitality Industry Property Risks: Washington DC Restaurants Damaged In 2011 Flood "Reinvent Themselves" By Rebuilding With "New Concepts"

“…The establishment was hit hard by the flood…the owners used some insurance money to rebuild. But they also took the opportunity to come up with a new concept for their establishment…”

“…(the owners) renegotiated the lease and worked with Washington Harbour so insurance covered 85 percent of the about $5 million needed to rebuild the restaurants…”

Three restaurants at Washington Harbour are preparing to reopen after the spring 2011 flood that covered parts of the K Street complex in 10-plus feet of water. Tony and Joe’s Seafood Palace and Nick’s Riverside Grill are expected to fully open at the end of this week, and Farmers and Fishers plans to reopen as Farmers Fishers Bakers at the end of October. All three closed after an April 2011 storm during which MRP Realty, the company that manages the complex, raised only three-quarters of the floodgates that block the establishments from the Potomac River.

Nick Cibel, whose family owns both Tony and Joe’s and Nick’s Riverside Grill, said the flood was devastating, but he and his relatives have made the best of the situation.

“It was complete destruction at both restaurants, and everything had to be thrown away and rebuilt,” he said. “We are taking full advantage of that by reinventing ourselves. We want to be known by our food, not just the waterfront.”

Both Joe’s and Nick’s have been operating with outside seating and a reduced menu since about a month after the flood, while the interiors have undergone renovations. Tony and Joe’s has an updated design that allows for a wider, unobstructed view of the river. Nick’s Riverside Grill’s square footage has increased by 25 percent, and the restaurant will carry more international cuisine.

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Filed under Claims, Flood Insurance, Insurance, Maintenance, Management And Ownership

Hospitality Industry Legal Risks: California Hotel Sued By Homeowner Claiming Noise From Events Has Caused Them "Pain And Suffering" And "Diminished Property Value"

“Plaintiffs have been hurt and injured in their health, strength, and activity, sustaining injury to their nervous system and person, all of which injuries have caused, and continue to cause, plaintiffs great mental, physical, and nervous pain and suffering,” said the lawsuit.

The lawsuit seeks an injunction barring the resort from generating noise that disturbs the Mendez family, such as amplified music, and unspecified monetary damages.

A Fairbanks Ranch couple has sued the Rancho Valencia Resort, alleging that noise from resort events has caused them pain and suffering, diminished their property value and violated county noise ordinances.

Angel and Linda Mendez, who live on Avenida Las Perlas, filed their lawsuit in Vista Superior Court on May 22. The lawsuit alleges that the problem has occurred since a group of investors purchased the resort, at 5926 Valencia Circle in April 2010.

“Defendants, and each of them, have occupied, used, and maintained these premises in such a manner that the sound of music, shouting and other accompanying noises generated by means of a loudspeaker, sound amplification system, public address system, or otherwise, during parties hosted by defendants, and each of them, travels well beyond the borders of the defendants’ property and into the Mendez property,” said the lawsuit.

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Filed under Insurance, Liability, Maintenance, Management And Ownership, Risk Management

Hospitality Industry Legal Risks: California Hotel Sued By Nine Guests Claiming They Contracted Meningitis From Hotel Pool; Suit Seeks Damages For Premises Liability And Negligence

“…The plaintiffs claim the hotel failed to sanitize the pool, fill it with clean water, use purification chemicals or “obtain proper certification of health & safety codes to reopen pool and water park facilities after pool closure.”

They seek medical costs, damages and punitive damages for premises liability, negligence, gross negligence, public nuisance and loss of consortium.

Nine people claim they contracted meningitis and/or other deadly diseases two years ago from a pool at the Grand Pacific Palisades Resort in Carlsbad. Lead plaintiff Gerald Green claim that during their stay in August 2010 the hotel failed to properly sanitize its family swimming pool. Plaintiff claim that hotel staff told them later that “the pool had been closed due to prior fecal or other form of contamination.”

“Plaintiffs were caused to sustain severe personal injuries, including, but not limited to symptoms of fever, headache, myalgias [muscle pain], vomiting and diarrhea, resulting in diagnoses to include meningitis and aggravated multiple sclerosis,” the complaint states.
Meningitis is a potentially fatal disease caused by inflammation of the protective membranes of the brain and spinal cord. Multiple sclerosis, which causes damage to nerves in the brain and spinal cord, is a debilitating disease with no known cure.

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Filed under Claims, Guest Issues, Health, Injuries, Insurance, Liability, Maintenance, Management And Ownership, Pool And Spa, Risk Management