Category Archives: Maintenance

Hospitality Industry Security Risks: California Hotel Evacuated Due To "Abandoned Suitcase" Bomb Threat

The suitcase was ruled harmless by bomb squad personnel after an X-ray determined that clothes and other personal items were inside. They would later destroy it with a high-powered water canon.

An abandoned suitcase that forced the evacuation of the Georgian Hotel and nearby buildings for nearly four hours on Monday was determined to be harmless, Santa Monica police said.  The suitcase was left in the Ocean Avenue hotel at approximately 9:30 a.m. by a man who said he was leaving it for a person staying at the establishment.

Hotel employees said that no name matching that person was on the hotel’s registry, prompting the man to flee. Alarmed by the incident, staff members called the police who ultimately called in the L.A. County Sheriff’s bomb squad to investigate the situation, SMPD spokesman Sgt. Richard Lewis said.

The evacuations came just as the Senior Center was preparing to serve free lunch, forcing nearly 55 seniors and five staff members to flee the building, employees said.

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Filed under Guest Issues, Maintenance, Management And Ownership, Risk Management, Training

Hospitality Industry Security Risks: California Hotel Evacuated Due To "Abandoned Suitcase" Bomb Threat

The suitcase was ruled harmless by bomb squad personnel after an X-ray determined that clothes and other personal items were inside. They would later destroy it with a high-powered water canon.

An abandoned suitcase that forced the evacuation of the Georgian Hotel and nearby buildings for nearly four hours on Monday was determined to be harmless, Santa Monica police said.  The suitcase was left in the Ocean Avenue hotel at approximately 9:30 a.m. by a man who said he was leaving it for a person staying at the establishment.

Hotel employees said that no name matching that person was on the hotel’s registry, prompting the man to flee. Alarmed by the incident, staff members called the police who ultimately called in the L.A. County Sheriff’s bomb squad to investigate the situation, SMPD spokesman Sgt. Richard Lewis said.

The evacuations came just as the Senior Center was preparing to serve free lunch, forcing nearly 55 seniors and five staff members to flee the building, employees said.

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Filed under Guest Issues, Maintenance, Management And Ownership, Risk Management, Training

Hospitality Industry Legal Risks: ADA "Pool Lift" Product And Installation Demonstration Video


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Filed under Guest Issues, Legislation, Liability, Maintenance, Management And Ownership, Pool And Spa, Risk Management, Training

Hospitality Industry Legal Risks: ADA "Pool Lift" Product And Installation Demonstration Video


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Filed under Guest Issues, Legislation, Liability, Maintenance, Management And Ownership, Pool And Spa, Risk Management, Training

Hospitality Industry Property Risks: Minnesota Hotel Kitchen "Oil Fryer Fire" Causes $100,000 In Damage

“The oil in the fryer reached its ignition temperature; the employees tried to extinguish the fire with a fire extinguisher, which was ineffective against the burning oil.”  

A fire in a Pannekoeken restaurant fryer at the Days Inn Hotel in downtown Rochester on Saturday morning caused an estimated $100,000 in damage.  Firefighters were called to the hotel, located at 6 First Ave. N.W., at 6:17 a.m., said Rochester Deputy Fire Chief Steve Belau. Employees had been opening the kitchen for the day, and had started the fryer when the mishap happened.
“After a time the fryer was noted to be boiling excessively (and) efforts by employees to shut down the fryer were unsuccessful,” Belau said.

The built-in fire extinguisher system slowed the fire, but was overcome when the fire became too large, Belau said. When firefighters arrived, there was smoke in the main floor and fire in the exhaust hood area of the kitchen. Fire was coming out of the exhaust vent on the outside.
Firefighters used two large portable fire extinguishers. At first, each time they knocked it down, it came back, Belau said. Also, it was unusually hot and smoky inside the kitchen. “Oil fires are very difficult to extinguish due to the unusually high temperatures associated with them,” he said.

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Filed under Claims, Fire, Insurance, Labor Issues, Maintenance, Management And Ownership, Risk Management

Hospitality Industry Property Risks: Maryland Hotel Suffers $50,000 In Water Damage As Guest Is "Tricked Into Breaking Off Fire Sprinkler"

“…Fire officials said a female guest was contacted by someone at the  website and told that a gas leak had occurred in the hotel.  The  guest was then tricked into breaking off the sprinkler head in her room with a  toilet bowl cover, which then caused water to flow into eight rooms and the  floor below…”

The state fire marshal’s office is investigating an incident at a hotel in  Aberdeen in which a guest was pranked into breaking the sprinkler system with a  toilet bowl lid, which subsequently caused several rooms to flood.

Firefighters were called to the second floor of the Holiday Inn Express  in the 1000 block of Beards Hill Road about 1:30 a.m. Friday.

Officials said there was about $50,000 worth of damage to the hotel. No  charges have been filed at this point.
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Filed under Guest Issues, Insurance, Liability, Maintenance, Management And Ownership

Hospitality Industry Theft Risks: Hotel Liability For Theft Of Guest's Property Is Limited By Statute In All States; Providing Digital Room Safes Can Limit Total Losses

Under common law, an innkeeper or hotelier was liable for loss or damage to guest’s property for the full value, unless the loss was caused by an act of nature (hurricanes, tornadoes, etc.), civil unrest, or the fault of the guest…each state has modified the common law by enacting statutes that limit the hotel’s liability… ordinarily limited to a specific figure, anywhere from $250 to $5,000.

Hotels typically post conspicuous notices indicating that valuables worth more than a certain amount (e.g., $250 or $500) must be deposited in the hotel safe in order to be covered for any loss. (Room safes are generally recommended only if they contain digital keypads, and the guest assumes all responsibility for getting into the safe and keeping the combination confidential.)

Two states have been randomly selected to provide examples of these statutes:

  • The Rhode Island statute states that if the hotel provides a safe for depositing money, jewelry, watches, and the like, and notifies guests by posting a conspicuous notice to that effect, and guests fail to deposit their valuables in the safe, the hotel is not liable for any loss to the valuables. It goes on to add that the hotel is not obligated to accept property for safekeeping that exceeds $500 in value. If a guest deposits property with a value exceeding $500 in the safe, the hotel is not responsible for loss to this property for more than $500, unless there is a special written agreement with the hotel for a greater amount.
  • The New Mexico statute states that the hotel is liable to its guests for loss of their property that is caused by the theft or negligence of the hotel or its staff, up to a limit of $1,000. However, if the hotel provides a suitable safe for safekeeping of money, jewelry, or other valuables, and notifies guests by posting a printed notice in hotel rooms, and guests fail to deposit their valuables in the safe, the hotel will not be liable.

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Filed under Crime, Guest Issues, Insurance, Liability, Maintenance, Management And Ownership, Risk Management, Theft

Hospitality Industry Information Risks: "Specialized Cyber-Risk Insurance" Is Important In Providing "Security Liability" And "Privacy Liability" Coverage

A specialized cyber-risk insurance policy is necessary. Coverage would not usually be triggered under a commercial general liability policy–many of which also have exclusions. Importantly, property-damage policies typically do not acknowledge “data” as property.

“Cyber liability” is essentially comprised of two defined risks:

  • Security Liability: the unauthorized access and/or use of a network. Employees or others with access to the network can misappropriate identity information, business secrets, transmit malicious codes, and undertake a denial of service attack against your network or other networks.
  • Privacy Liability: the breach of personal data protection laws that allow individuals to control the collection, access, transmission, use, and accuracy of their personal information.

The available policy coverage options start with General Internet Crime Liability. This addresses the first and third party risks associated with e-business, the Internet, networks and informational assets.

However, it is critical to review your business activities to ensure appropriate coverage. To this needs to be added appropriate Property, Directors and Officers, Business Interruption and Fidelity wordings. For those businesses offering software and services susceptible to outage or malfunction associated with a cyber-attack, Electronic Errors and Omissions coverage should also be obtained.

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Filed under Crime, Guest Issues, Insurance, Liability, Maintenance, Management And Ownership, Privacy, Risk Management, Theft

Hospitality Industry Property Risks: Texas Hotel Evacuated After Guests Exposed To Carbon Monoxide; Boiler Room Thought To Be Source

“…several people from the hotel went to a hospital on their own and nobody was seriously hurt. He says the individuals apparently had similar symptoms, such as nausea and headaches, leading hospital personnel to contact the fire department…”

Part of a Dallas-area hotel has been evacuated after some people got sick from possible carbon monoxide exposure.

Wilson says carbon monoxide possibly was detected in a hotel boiler room. A clerk who answered the phone said the front desk area had been declared safe. Warning alarms could be heard in the background.

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Filed under Guest Issues, Health, Injuries, Liability, Maintenance, Management And Ownership, Risk Management

Hospitality Industry Legal Risks: Latest Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) Revisions Reflect "Removal Of Barriers"; Restroom Floor Space And Counter Height Are Areas Of Concern

  • Toilet clear floor space: The 1991 standards required 48 inches wide of clear floor space around a toilet. The new 2010 standards require 60 inches of clear floor space around the toilet. Things such as grab bars, toilet paper dispensers and seat protector dispensers are allowed to hang over into that space, but more obtrusive items such as urinals or cabinets are not.
  • Lavatory comparable counter space: Accessible rooms are required to have counter space comparable to that of nonaccessible rooms. “Various people have different needs for countertop space,” Anderson said. “My wife has the need for a lot of countertop space, and having that small little room around the accessible sink really doesn’t meet her needs. So it’s not comparable.”
  • Sales and service counters: The 1991 standards allowed for auxiliary sales and service counters built on to existing desks. The new 2010 standards require accessible counters of full, standard depth—not just ledges or other auxiliary spaces.

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Filed under Guest Issues, Legislation, Liability, Maintenance, Management And Ownership