Category Archives: Maintenance

Hospitality Industry Legal Risks: California Hotel Owners Compliance With Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) "Pool Lift Regulations" Is Effective March 15; Vulnerable To "Unruh Civil Rights Act" Violation Lawsuits

“…California-based businesses should be particularly worried.  The Unruh Civil Rights Act, itself a wellspring for abusive litigation, incorporates the ADA by reference, making any violation of the ADA also a violation of Unruh…Unruh has more teeth than the ADA—$4,000 per violation, regardless of intent, plus attorney’s fees…”

 The Department of Justice granted the industry’s call for a clarification: But it was not the answer they wanted. All 300,000 public pools in the United States must install a permanent fixed lift. The deadline for compliance is tomorrow, March 15. Call it “Poolmageddon.”

There is no way all 300,000 pools can install permanent lifts by Thursday. There simply are not enough lifts in existence or enough people who know how to install them, according to industry spokesmen. Plus, each lift costs between $3,000 and $10,000 and installation can add $5,000 to $10,000 to the total.

The Administration has assured the industry that it does not plan to enforce the new guidelines right away.  But the ADA contains a private enforcement mechanism, empowering private attorneys to bring suit immediately, collecting attorney’s fees from violators.  As the article mentions, trial lawyers contributed over $45 million to Obama’s campaign.

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Filed under Labor Issues, Legislation, Liability, Maintenance, Management And Ownership, Pool And Spa, Risk Management, Training

Hospitality Industry Legal Risks: Hotel Management Must Comply With Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) Revisions Concerning Recreational Areas; Exercise Rooms, Saunas And Benches Are Areas Of Concern

New revisions to the Americans with Disabilities Act are bringing hotel recreational areas under the watchful eye of the U.S. Department of Justice for the first time. And unlike other guidelines covered by the 1991 ADA Standards for Accessible Design, recreation areas do not qualify for safe harbor.

Exercise rooms:

  •  The key issue in exercise rooms is clearance space, the moderators said.
  • “At least one of each type of equipment is required to be on an accessible route and have clear floor space adjacent to the equipment so that somebody is able to park their mobility device there and then get out of that device and transfer or may be able to walk and get on to this piece of equipment,” Salmen said.
  • More than one piece of equipment can share the same clear floor space, he said.
  • “This is going to have implications on how your fitness rooms are laid out, and (in) a lot of small fitness rooms you will have to do rearranging or potentially may even have to lose a piece of equipment in order to try to provide these clear floor areas,” Anderson added.

Saunas and steam rooms:

  •  Hotels must have accessible routes into saunas and steam rooms. Further, they must have enough space within the rooms so guests with disabilities can turn around and get out, Salmen said.
  • “So doors have to be compliant as per the door criteria with 32 inches of minimum clear opening width. The pressure on that door can’t be more than five pounds. The thresholds for those doors have to be compliant,” he said.


  •  Benches in hotel locker rooms and steam rooms can be as little as 42 inches with a depth of 20 inches to 24 inches, Salmen said.
  • “But in these new rules we are now required to have a maneuvering space in front of the bench and at one end of the bench so that it is (easier to slide over) from the wheelchair seat onto the seat of the bench,” he said.
  • Benches must be attached to a wall or provide a back rest so users will have something to lean against, Salmen added.

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Filed under Guest Issues, Insurance, Legislation, Liability, Maintenance, Management And Ownership, Pool And Spa, Risk Management, Training

Hospitality Industry Fire Risk: Ohio Hotel Fire Likely Caused By Electrical Problem In Ceiling Area Of Indoor Pool; Damage Exceeds $1 Million

“…The fire originated in the ceiling area of the indoor pool, it was likely an electrical problem, according to the release…”

“…Flames traveled from the overhang above the indoor pool to other walls in the hotel… Winds forced the smoke and fire up to the third floor and fanned the flames…”  

Holiday Inn Express employees stood huddled in thin blankets near Frisch’s Big Boy as firefighters from 10 departments attacked the building with axes and water. Smoke billowed from windows with punched-out screens on the southwest corner of the building at 773 Hebron Road. The three-alarm fire was fueled by a strong wind, up to 30 mph, from the northwest.

Firefighters tore into the building and tossed debris from open windows. Between fire truck sirens, the hotel fire alarm and radio calls of several chiefs, communication was challenging but achieved, Huggins said.

Investigators determined the damage exceeded $1 million, according to the release. Inspectors at the scene said the hotel’s fire alarm system and sprinkler system functioned properly during the blaze, according to the release.

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Filed under Fire, Guest Issues, Insurance, Liability, Maintenance, Management And Ownership, Risk Management

Hospitality Industry Fire Risks: "Fire Safe Hotels" Are Listed On FEMA "Hotel-Motel National Master List"


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Hospitality Industry Employment Risks: Hotel Management Compliance Audits Can Expose Potential Labor Department "Wage And Hour Division" Violations

• Make sure nonexempt employees are paid the required minimum wage. The current federal rate is $7.25 per hour (some jurisdictions require a higher rate).  Review deductions to ensure that they do not cut employees’ pay below the minimum wage.
• Be certain nonexempt employees are paid the required overtime. Ensure that all bonuses, shift differentials, service charges and other payments are properly included in computing overtime and that deductions do not improperly cut into overtime pay. 
• Pay special attention to whether nonexempt employees accurately record all worktime. Nonexempt employees must record pre- and post-shift work; shift-change overlap; opening or closing activities; compensable training time, meeting time, “on-call” work; and time spent doing work at home. Employees must record meal time and other non-compensable break time, and they must be paid when they do not take that time off. 
• Be sure that all “exempt” employees meet the requirements for exemption. Review the criteria defining who may be treated as exempt from the Fair Labor Standard Act’s minimum-wage and/or overtime requirements. “Salaried” employees are not necessarily exempt. Certain positions such as sous chefs and sales managers are vulnerable to challenge. 
• Make certain that exempt employees are paid on a salary basis. The most common FLSA exemptions require that such employees be paid on a “salary basis” and thus receive a fixed, predetermined amount for every workweek in which the employee performs any work, without regard to the number of days or hours worked or the quality of work. Salary deductions are very limited. 
• Strictly comply with child-labor restrictions. There is an age 16 limit for general occupations and an age 18 limit for occupations declared “hazardous” by the U.S. Secretary of Labor. 14 and 15 year olds may be employed in limited occupations, within strict hours and times of day limitations. Identify every employee who is 16 or 17, verify his or her age and exact duties. Identify every employee under 16, verify his or her age, exact duties and hours and times of work.
• Comply with all state and local wage-hour requirements. The FLSA does not preempt tougher state or local provisions. These other laws might include a higher minimum wage; daily overtime; minimum pay for reporting to work; more rigorous child-labor limitations; prohibitions on wage deductions; and time limits for paying employees who resign or are fired.

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Filed under Labor Issues, Liability, Maintenance, Management And Ownership, Risk Management, Training

Hospitality Industry Security Risks: New York Hotel Suffers Thousands Of Dollars In Damage From Group At Guest Room Party; Surveillance Video Critical To Finding Vandals

 “…a group at a party in a room at the Towne Plaza Suites on Holland Avenue is suspected of ripping off wall lights, breaking ceiling tiles and ceiling lights, discharging fire extinguishers and spraying a can of Mace in the third floor hallway…”

Vandals caused several thousand dollars worth of damage to an Albany hotel early Sunday morning. Mace got into the hotel’s ventilation system so the second and third floors had to be evacuated and ventilated, police said in a news release.

Hotel staff members believe the vandals are associated with an Albany man who rented a third fl oor room at the hotel. Police received a call from hotel staff about the incident at 1:15 a.m. Sunday, but when they arrived at the hotel all of the partygoers had already left through the back door.

Surveillance video will be examined to see if any of the vandals can be identified.

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Filed under Crime, Guest Issues, Insurance, Maintenance, Management And Ownership, Risk Management, Technology

Hospitality Industry Information Risks: Hotel's Store "Enormous Amounts Of Data" That Is Never Used; 100% At Risk And 0% Value

“…companies can go a long way toward reducing their exposure to significant losses resulting from a security breach by putting themselves on a “data diet…There is an enormous amount of information that we never use, but we never get rid of. It’s 100% risk and 0% value. As a risk manager, that’s the scariest equation you’re ever going to hear…”

While there is no way for companies to completely eliminate the risk of data breaches and cyber attacks, there are several steps they can take to reduce their potential financial and reputational losses, a panel of experts said Thursday at the third annual Business Insurance Risk Management Summit®in New York.

“The fact is that you’re going to be attacked. That’s the reality,” said Alan Brill, senior managing director of secure information services for New York-based Kroll Inc. A well-crafted cyber risk management program need not be wildly expensive or complex, Mr Kroll said, but should at least strive for “commercially reasonable levels” based on company size and industry.

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Filed under Guest Issues, Insurance, Labor Issues, Liability, Maintenance, Management And Ownership, Privacy, Risk Management, Technology, Theft

Hospitality Industry Property Risks: New York Hotel's "Fatal Elevator Accident" Caused By Service Company's "Maintenance Errors"

Maintenance workers failed to enable a door safety circuit on an elevator moments before an advertising executive was killed after stepping into the elevator in an office tower in Midtown Manhattan, according to officials from the city’s Department of Buildings and the Department of Investigations.

According to officials, the workers did three things wrong:

  • They never re-enabled the safety circuit after performing the upgrade and restoring the elevator to normal service.
  • They did not post a warning that work was being performed, as required under the city’s building code.
  • They did not call the Buildings Department for an inspection, as legally required, before putting the elevator back into service.

If the circuit had been working properly, officials said, it would most likely have prevented the elevator from moving abruptly and pinning the executive, Suzanne Hart, inside an elevator shaft. As a result, the Buildings Department is suspending the license of the owner of the maintenance company, Transel Elevator, that performed the work and will seek to have the license revoked.

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Filed under Guest Issues, Injuries, Insurance, Maintenance, Management And Ownership

Hospitality Industry Fire Risks: Hawaii Hotel Restaurant Fire Caused By "Gas Leak Behind Oven"; Originally Thought To Have Started In Grease Trap

“…Firefighters originally believed the fire had been started in the oven’s grease trap. However, twenty minutes later the fire reignited… Firefighters then discovered a gas leak behind the oven. Gas service was cut off to the restaurants fed by the line, and the fire extinguished…”

Fire safety officials will return to the Ala Moana Hotel later Wednesday after a fire broke out overnight at the Royal Garden Chinese Restaurant inside the hotel.  When firefighters arrived at the hotel shortly before 2 a.m., they found hotel staff using fire extinguishers to put out flames on the third floor restaurant.A hotel guest told KITV4’s Ryan Kalei Tsuji he was never alerted by a fire alarm. 
 The Ala Moana Hotel said an initial alarm was sounded, but the fire was quickly contained so guests could remain in their rooms. The hotel said the Honolulu Fire Department determined that a hotel evacuation was not necessary.Read more:

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Filed under Fire, Insurance, Liability, Maintenance, Management And Ownership, Risk Management

Hospitality Industry Employee Risks: Pennsylvania Hotel Manager Charged With Felony Theft For "Activating Company Credit Card" And Making Over $20,000 In Purchases

“….(the former manager) …obtained and activated a credit card without the knowledge of the owners of Mifflinburg Hotel Inc./Scarlet D while he was employed as the manager…(he) then made numerous purchases from Oct. 13, 2010, through Oct. 7…”

A former manager at the Scarlet D/Mifflinburg Hotel is facing several felony theft charges after he allegedly activated a credit card in the business’ name and made purchases totaling $20,363.32.

David Alan Burns, 56, of 121 Georgetown Lane, Milton, was arrested and charged with felony counts of forgery-unauthorized act in writing, access device fraud, theft by deception, theft by failure to make required dispositions of funds received and receiving stolen property. He was arraigned and released on $25,000 unsecured bail.

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Filed under Crime, Labor Issues, Liability, Maintenance, Management And Ownership, Risk Management, Theft