Category Archives: Theft

Hospitality Industry Security Risks: Florida Hotel's Video Surveillance System Captures Woman Stealing $700 In Property From Room

“…Surveillance video captured the 5-foot-7 thief, in a blue tank top and jeans  shorts, lugging the stolen TV down a hallway at the Sabal Suites hotel…”

A Florida bandit helped herself to a television, bedspread, curtains, rugs,  trash can, iron and ironing board from a vacant Tampa hotel room. The 10:15 a.m. robbery back on March 21 included several trips back and  forth as the woman stripped the room of about $700 worth of property — leaving  behind only the bed.

The 20-something suspect checked several doors before starting her one-woman  crime spree. The rooms were under renovation at the time of the robbery.

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Filed under Crime, Guest Issues, Insurance, Liability, Maintenance, Management And Ownership, Risk Management, Theft

Hospitality Industry Information Technology Risks: Hotel And Restaurant "POS Systems" Are The #1 Target Of Criminal Data Breaches

If a criminal can breach a system in the restaurant, they also have access to the front desk, the spa and any other connected system. The risk is even greater when hotels are part of a hotel chain with interconnected systems.

Franchise businesses are particularly at risk primarily because franchises tend to have the same POS system duplicated at all locations. If a cybercriminal can figure out a way to breach one, in all likelihood, they can replicate the attack at other locations.

In 2011, Trustwave SpiderLabs conducted 42 percent more data breach investigations than in the previous year. More than 85 percent of these data breaches occurred in the food and beverage, retail and hospitality industries.

Why the focus on these industries? There are several reasons, but the number one is that they all process credit cards. In our investigations, we found that the vast majority of assets targeted by criminals were point-of-sale software systems (75 percent of cases). Think of the scenario of a hotel that maintains a restaurant, a spa, as well as other services all connected to one POS system.  We’ve investigated cases where the criminal breaches the environment at one location and was in turn able to connect todozens of others through the wide area network used by the hotel chain.

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Filed under Crime, Guest Issues, Liability, Maintenance, Management And Ownership, Privacy, Risk Management, Technology, Theft

Hospitality Industry Information Technology Risks: Hotel And Restaurant "POS Systems" Are The #1 Target Of Criminal Data Breaches

If a criminal can breach a system in the restaurant, they also have access to the front desk, the spa and any other connected system. The risk is even greater when hotels are part of a hotel chain with interconnected systems.

Franchise businesses are particularly at risk primarily because franchises tend to have the same POS system duplicated at all locations. If a cybercriminal can figure out a way to breach one, in all likelihood, they can replicate the attack at other locations.

In 2011, Trustwave SpiderLabs conducted 42 percent more data breach investigations than in the previous year. More than 85 percent of these data breaches occurred in the food and beverage, retail and hospitality industries.

Why the focus on these industries? There are several reasons, but the number one is that they all process credit cards. In our investigations, we found that the vast majority of assets targeted by criminals were point-of-sale software systems (75 percent of cases). Think of the scenario of a hotel that maintains a restaurant, a spa, as well as other services all connected to one POS system.  We’ve investigated cases where the criminal breaches the environment at one location and was in turn able to connect todozens of others through the wide area network used by the hotel chain.

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Filed under Crime, Guest Issues, Liability, Maintenance, Management And Ownership, Privacy, Risk Management, Technology, Theft

Hospitality Industry Crime Risks: "Large Identity Theft Operation" Uncovered At California Hotel After Manager Suspected Drug Sales

“…Deputies found fake credit and identification cards as well as computers, printers and software used to make false identification..Deputies also found credit card readers and small cameras that allowed criminals to capture credit card information and PIN numbers. Prepaid credit cards embossed with stolen information which could then be used at businesses were located..”

Sheriff’s deputies broke up a large identity theft operation this past weekend while investigating a report of drug dealing at a hotel room. Investigators contend the material found Sunday at Four Points by Sheraton at 11960 Foothill Blvd. was created using stolen information from card readers or skimmers, Rouse said.

The group allegedly started in Northern California and “have been working their way around,” he said.

On Sunday, a hotel manager called the Sheriff’s Department to report someone was selling drugs in one of the rooms.

Deputies discovered various items indicating Jeffery Wilkinson, 35, Barbara Brown, 32, and Shahin Abdollahi, 46, were involved in a large-scale identity theft ring, sheriff’s Sgt. Ken Jamieson said.

Wilkinson had an arrest warrant and was in the possession of drugs.

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Filed under Crime, Guest Issues, Liability, Management And Ownership, Risk Management, Theft

Hospitality Industry Crime Risks: "Large Identity Theft Operation" Uncovered At California Hotel After Manager Suspected Drug Sales

“…Deputies found fake credit and identification cards as well as computers, printers and software used to make false identification..Deputies also found credit card readers and small cameras that allowed criminals to capture credit card information and PIN numbers. Prepaid credit cards embossed with stolen information which could then be used at businesses were located..”

Sheriff’s deputies broke up a large identity theft operation this past weekend while investigating a report of drug dealing at a hotel room. Investigators contend the material found Sunday at Four Points by Sheraton at 11960 Foothill Blvd. was created using stolen information from card readers or skimmers, Rouse said.

The group allegedly started in Northern California and “have been working their way around,” he said.

On Sunday, a hotel manager called the Sheriff’s Department to report someone was selling drugs in one of the rooms.

Deputies discovered various items indicating Jeffery Wilkinson, 35, Barbara Brown, 32, and Shahin Abdollahi, 46, were involved in a large-scale identity theft ring, sheriff’s Sgt. Ken Jamieson said.

Wilkinson had an arrest warrant and was in the possession of drugs.

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Filed under Crime, Guest Issues, Liability, Management And Ownership, Risk Management, Theft

Hospitality Industry Theft Risks: Florida Hotel Employee Charged With Stealing $500 Of "Dom Perignon Champagne"; Picture Posting On "Facebook" Leads To Arrest

“…an employee at the hotel discovered pictures on a Facebook page of a former night auditor and a friend holding Dom Perignon champagne bottles with the caption: “Hey, we’re having Dom in the morning!”

The security cameras had been turned off at the time of the theft, according to a subsequent investigation.

A Panama City Beach hotel reported the theft of $500 of Dom Perignon champagne in February after an inventory of supplies showed three bottles were missing, according to a news release from the Bay County Sheriff’s Office.

The hotel manager ID’d the man as Jonathon Appleby, a former night auditor at the hotel. Appleby had access to the cooler with the champagne and to the security cameras while he was employed an investigation determined.

For more:,0,4727820.story

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Filed under Crime, Labor Issues, Liability, Maintenance, Management And Ownership, Risk Management, Theft

Hospitality Industry Theft Risks: Florida Hotel Employee Charged With Stealing $500 Of "Dom Perignon Champagne"; Picture Posting On "Facebook" Leads To Arrest

“…an employee at the hotel discovered pictures on a Facebook page of a former night auditor and a friend holding Dom Perignon champagne bottles with the caption: “Hey, we’re having Dom in the morning!”

The security cameras had been turned off at the time of the theft, according to a subsequent investigation.

A Panama City Beach hotel reported the theft of $500 of Dom Perignon champagne in February after an inventory of supplies showed three bottles were missing, according to a news release from the Bay County Sheriff’s Office.

The hotel manager ID’d the man as Jonathon Appleby, a former night auditor at the hotel. Appleby had access to the cooler with the champagne and to the security cameras while he was employed an investigation determined.

For more:,0,4727820.story

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Filed under Crime, Labor Issues, Liability, Maintenance, Management And Ownership, Risk Management, Theft

Hospitality Industry Employee Risks: Alabama Hotel Clerk, With Prior Arrest Record, Arrested For Stealing Guest Credit Card Informatiom

Rains says Niles got the guests information from the hotels computer database and used it for more than just their rooms.

A Mobile hotel clerk is behind bars. The Mobile Police Department says he was doing more than checking guests in, he was using their credit card information.

“While working as a front desk clerk at a local hotel he actually stole credit card information from one victim who had previously stayed at the hotel,” said Rains.

“He used this information to book hotels for him and his friends and we were actually able to catch him,” said Rains.

This wasn’t Niles first time. He has been arrested several times for charges like identity theft and possession of a forged instrument.

“He was on probation for the same crimes when he committed these,” said Rains.

Police say Niles charged a significant amount of money. Thankfully the victim was monitoring the transactions.

“As a safeguard just to make sure that your credit cards aren’t being used fraudulently the best thing you can do is check your accounts and alert your credit card provider if you’d see anything fraudulent,” said Rains.

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Filed under Crime, Guest Issues, Liability, Management And Ownership, Privacy, Theft

Hospitality Industry Theft Risks: International Jewelry Theft Ring Targeted "Jewelry Sales Representatives And Couriers" After Returning To Their Hotel Rooms

“…an international criminal organization that committed 17 robberies, primarily by attacking sales representatives and couriers after they had returned to their homes or hotel rooms. He said the group used prolonged, sophisticated surveillance methods to identify vulnerable salesmen, who were targeted throughout Virginia as well as in New York, New Jersey, North Carolina, Maryland, California and Tennessee over the past two years. Sometimes the robbed salesmen would be followed for hundreds of miles and across state lines.  

Seven people have been charged with operating a jewelry-theft ring based in Richmond, Va. that authorities say stole more than $4.6 million in merchandise from traveling salesmen in Virginia and several other states.

“This is a group that allegedly did their homework,” MacBride said in a conference call with reporters.

Court documents say the group of Colombians has ties to South American theft groups, which federal authorities say are transnational criminal groups that work in teams to steal jewelry, gems and precious metals from those who carry hundreds of thousands of dollars in merchandise at one time.

Prosecutors say that after a successful robbery, members of the ring would travel to New York to sell the merchandise to “fences” who would either resell it or melt it down for later use. MacBride said the group didn’t target any one particular type of jewelry, saying it included gold and gems, among other things.

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Filed under Crime, Liability, Management And Ownership, Risk Management, Theft

Hospitality Industry Theft Risks: Hotel Liability For Theft Of Guest's Property Is Limited By Statute In All States; Providing Digital Room Safes Can Limit Total Losses

Under common law, an innkeeper or hotelier was liable for loss or damage to guest’s property for the full value, unless the loss was caused by an act of nature (hurricanes, tornadoes, etc.), civil unrest, or the fault of the guest…each state has modified the common law by enacting statutes that limit the hotel’s liability… ordinarily limited to a specific figure, anywhere from $250 to $5,000.

Hotels typically post conspicuous notices indicating that valuables worth more than a certain amount (e.g., $250 or $500) must be deposited in the hotel safe in order to be covered for any loss. (Room safes are generally recommended only if they contain digital keypads, and the guest assumes all responsibility for getting into the safe and keeping the combination confidential.)

Two states have been randomly selected to provide examples of these statutes:

  • The Rhode Island statute states that if the hotel provides a safe for depositing money, jewelry, watches, and the like, and notifies guests by posting a conspicuous notice to that effect, and guests fail to deposit their valuables in the safe, the hotel is not liable for any loss to the valuables. It goes on to add that the hotel is not obligated to accept property for safekeeping that exceeds $500 in value. If a guest deposits property with a value exceeding $500 in the safe, the hotel is not responsible for loss to this property for more than $500, unless there is a special written agreement with the hotel for a greater amount.
  • The New Mexico statute states that the hotel is liable to its guests for loss of their property that is caused by the theft or negligence of the hotel or its staff, up to a limit of $1,000. However, if the hotel provides a suitable safe for safekeeping of money, jewelry, or other valuables, and notifies guests by posting a printed notice in hotel rooms, and guests fail to deposit their valuables in the safe, the hotel will not be liable.

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Filed under Crime, Guest Issues, Insurance, Liability, Maintenance, Management And Ownership, Risk Management, Theft