Category Archives: Theft

Hospitality Industry Employee Risks: Texas Hotel Uses Video Cameras To Identify Housekeeper Who Used "Portable Electronic Skimmer" To "Steal Guest Credit Card Numbers"

“…a number of guests who suspected someone had entered their rooms and stolen their credit card information, even though they were still in possession of their credit cards. Charges usually were applied to the credit cards several days after the guests had departed the hotel…”

“…While monitoring the hidden camera’s video feed real-time from the hotel security office, Jose Ramirez observed Margarita Fernandez Abreu remove a small device from her pants pocket and then slide approximately three of the debit cards through the device…”

The Stephen F Austin set up an elaborate ruse to trick a hotel maid into revealing she had stolen the credit and debit card numbers of hotel guests.

 Possible suspects in the case were narrowed down to maid Margarita Abreu, the only employee who had entered the room with an electronic key card. Knowing that, the hotel managers set up a hotel room that appeared to be occupied but wasn’t. A hidden camera was placed in the room that focused on the coffee table and debit cards.

 “Margarita also looked through the purse that was on the table as well. Margarita then concealed the device back in her pocket and continued cleaning the room.” After two detectives viewed the video and identified the object as a “card skimmer” that captured and saved the data. That data could be later downloaded and re-encoded to create “clone” credit cards.

Abreu was arrested on charges of credit card abuse, a state jail felony. Her bail was set at $15,000.

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Filed under Crime, Guest Issues, Labor Issues, Maintenance, Management And Ownership, Risk Management, Technology, Theft

Hospitality Industry Information Security: Study Finds Hotels Are "Prime Targets" For Financial Data Theft; "Infiltration Of Smartphones Through Bluetooth Technology"

“…Hotels also are prime targets for people looking to steal financial data. In a study of 200 data-breach cases, Trustwave’s SpiderLabs, the online security company’s research arm, found 38 percent occurred at hotels or resorts…”

Two key challenges for travelers involve the use of unsecured wireless networks at hotels, airports and other public venues and the infiltration of smartphones through Bluetooth technology.

Identity theft can be a rude awakening for many business travelers. Last year, identity theft made up 19 percent of the 1.3 million complaints stored in the Consumer Sentinel Network, a secure online database available to law-enforcement agencies.

Experts say business travelers are especially vulnerable because they increasingly rely on electronic devices that easily can be lost or hacked. Credant Technologies, a data-protection company, found that travelers have lost 11,000 mobile devices at the busiest U.S. airports this year, 37.5 percent of them laptops and 37.2 percent tablets or smartphones.

“You are 15 times more likely to have your identity stolen than to have your car broken into,” said Todd Davis, chairman and CEO of LifeLock, an identity-theft protection company.

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Filed under Crime, Guest Issues, Liability, Management And Ownership, Privacy, Risk Management, Technology, Theft

Hospitality Industry Security Risks: Hotels And Restaurants Must Have "Armed Robbery Prevention" Procedures; Available From Insurance Carriers

“…Because hospitality establishments have a certain amount of cash on hand, agents and cashiers may face the potential danger of robberies…”

  1. Is there a high degree of visibility?
  2. Are shop or outlet displays free from posters and signs?
  3. Are  counters and cases low enough for line of sight?
  4. Are all sections of business are visible from central cashier area?
  5. Do you call authorities if you suspect someone?
  6. Have you secured your desk or cashier operation if there is a reason for concern?
  7. Have you installed a holdup alarm system and instructed staff in its use?
  8. Do you keep minimal cash?
  9. Is your routine for bank deposits varied?
  10. Is your safe locked at all times?
  11. Have you taught robbery prevention to employees?
  12. Are references checked before hiring new employees?
  13. Do two or more people open and close your business?

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Filed under Crime, Guest Issues, Insurance, Labor Issues, Management And Ownership, Risk Management, Theft, Training

Hospitality Industry Security Risks: NBC Security Consultant Demonstrates How Criminals Can Use Hotel Staff To Break Into Hotel Rooms (Video)


NBC Security Consultant shows how criminals can use hotel staff to break into a hotel room.

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Filed under Crime, Insurance, Labor Issues, Liability, Maintenance, Management And Ownership, Risk Management, Theft, Training

Hospitality Industry Information Security: Hotel Chain Computer System Hacked By Man Who Threatened To Reveal Confidential Information If He Was Not Hired For IT Position

“…an infected email attachment (was) sent to some Marriott employees to install malicious software on the company’s system that gave him a “backdoor” access to proprietary email and other files…”

“…Nemeth sent an email to Marriott staff on November 11 last year, informing them that he had been accessing Marriott’s computers for months and had obtained proprietary information… He threatened to reveal the information if Marriott did not give him a job maintaining the company’s computers…”

A Hungarian citizen has pleaded guilty to stealing confidential information from the computers of Marriott International, and threatening to reveal the information if the hotel chain did not offer him a job maintaining the company’s computers, the Department of Justice said.

Attila Nemeth, 26, pleaded guilty in a US court, according to a statement by DOJ. He was detained after he travelled to the states on a ticket purchased by Marriott for a fictitious job interview.

As he had not received a response from Marriott, Nemeth sent another mail on November 13 containing eight attachments, seven of which were documents stored on Marriott’s computers. The documents included financial documentation and other confidential and proprietary information, the DOJ said.

A US Secret Service agent, using the identity of a fictitious employee of Marriott, communicated with Nemeth on November 18, who continued to call and email the undercover agent demanding a job to prevent the public release of the documents, according to the plea agreement. Nemeth emailed a copy of his Hungarian passport as identification and offered to travel to America, according to the DOJ.

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Filed under Crime, Labor Issues, Liability, Maintenance, Management And Ownership, Privacy, Risk Management, Technology, Theft

Hospitality Industry Employee Risks: 61-Year Old California Hotel Housekeeper Arrested For Theft While Cleaning Guest Rooms

“…while she was cleaning she was seen taking a woman’s watch and hide it in the room… she was seen entering the room again and retrieve the watch, conceal it upon her person, and leave the room. It was then the trap was sprung and she was detained by security, who also took the watch back from her…”

“…officers arrested this 61-year-old cleaner from Los Angeles, and she was charged with burglary. Her bail was set at $50,000…”

On Friday, Nov. 11, at 12:55 p.m. officers of the Santa Monica Police Department went to the Fairmont Hotel, located at 101 Wilshire Boulevard, in order to investigate a report of a suspect who was being held at the hotel by their security chief in regard to some allegations of theft. When the officers arrived at the scene they spoke with the Director of Security who told them the detainee was an employee of the hotel.

He said there had been a number of thefts from the hotel rooms reported, and that the person, who was a cleaner at the Fairmont, had become the prime suspect. On the day prior to the officers being called the hotel, security had prepared a room with several items in order to make the room appear occupied by a guest. They had then placed a hidden camera inside the room.

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Hospitality Industry Employee Risks: Police Arrest New York Restaurant Waiters Who Were "Equipped With Electronic Skimmers" To Steal Credit Card Information

“… the crooks equipped waiters at Smith & Wollensky, The Capital Grille, Wolfgang’s Steakhouse and JoJo — and at two restaurants outside the city — with electronic skimmers to steal the info from at least 50 customers…”

Waiters at some of New York’s swankiest eateries were part of a criminal crew that stole credit card information to create counterfeit cards — and then racked up some $600,000 in purchases, prosecutors revealed Friday.

Then Jacas used a “network of shoppers” to go on shopping sprees at high-end Manhattan stores like Chanel, Neiman Marcus, Cartier, Hermes of Paris, Bloomingdales, Bergdorf Goodman, Waldmann’s, London Jewelers, Burberry, Jimmy Choo, Lord & Taylor, prosecutors said.

One of them was Gregory Portacio, who infamously dragged a Queens mom to her death in 1980 by grabbing her neck chain and hanging on while an accomplice drove their getaway car down a block.

“Anybody who thinks credit card fraud brings out high class criminals should think again,” said Police Commissioner Ray Kelly, whose men were still searching for the 51-year-old career criminal and sex offender.

The crooks even used the phony American Express cards to refuel at Starbucks and also hit stores in Westchester County, Long Island, Boston, Chicago and Florida.

The ill-gotten goods were then fenced to “complicit customers” for cash, prosecutors said.

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Filed under Crime, Guest Issues, Labor Issues, Liability, Management And Ownership, Privacy, Risk Management, Theft

Hospitality Industry Internet Risks: Recent Studies Show Dramatic Increases "Mobile Space Cybercrime" As Criminals Focus On Smartphones And Tablets

“…The usage of Internet through mobile phone had been on a rapid upward trend. This led to 42 per cent more mobile vulnerabilities last year compared to the year before, as shown in a Symantec Internet Security Threat Report…”

“…cybercriminals were starting to focus their efforts on the mobile space as more and more mobile users switched to smartphones and tablets instead of the conventional desktops…”

A recent worldwide study conducted by Norton by Symantec aimed at unveiling the cost of global crime, has concluded that online adults footed a bill of over US$388 billion in the past year.

According to Symantec Corporation Sdn Bhd consumer sales manager Jason Mok, the price tag came to be as the study took into account not only the direct cash cost of cybercrime – that being the money stolen by cybercrime and money spent on resolving cyber-attacks – which was up to US$114 billion, but also the amount which victims of cybercrime valued the time they lost to cybercrime, which was US$274 billion.

“The Norton Cybercrime Report 2011 found that more than two thirds of online adults have been a victim of cybercrime in their lifetime. Every second, 14 adults become a victim of cybercrime, resulting in more than one million cybercrime victims per day,” stated Mok, who also pointed out that the rate was higher than the worldwide birth rate.

Mok marked this as a sign that cybercriminals were starting to focus their efforts on the mobile space as more and more mobile users switched to smartphones and tablets instead of the conventional desktops.

“This had led to an increasing importance of mobile security, as you are not only losing your phone or tablet, you are losing your personal information, identity as well as your money,” Mok informed the crowd during a media briefing held at a hotel here yesterday.

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Filed under Crime, Guest Issues, Insurance, Liability, Management And Ownership, Risk Management, Technology, Theft

Hospitality Industry Theft Risks: Suspect In California Hotel Guest Room Burglaries Arrested After Successful Surveillances; Entered Rooms Through Patio Sliding Door

After the string of burglaries, the Palms Springs Police Department started conducting surveillances outside the hotel, and it was during one of those surveillances that they found the suspect.

The general manager of the Desert Riviera says to look for a hotel where staff seems involved and aware.

Police saw Christopher Thompson climbing into the outside patio area of a hotel room. He got into the room through a sliding glass door. Tourists we talked with were surprised to hear about the crime, but always take steps to keep their belongings safe when they travel.

Block says there are also some simple steps you can take to make sure you don’t become a victim of a crime when you travel.

  1. Lock not just the front door but the back sliding glass door as well
  2. Take valuables with you
  3. Choose a hotel where the parking area looks lit and safe
  4. Always lock your car
  5. Spend time researching the hotel

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Filed under Crime, Guest Issues, Maintenance, Management And Ownership, Privacy, Risk Management, Theft, Training

Hospitality Industry Security Risks: California Hotel Front Desk Clerk Subdues Armed Robber With Help From Guests (Video)


An armed robber got more than he bargained for after being tackled by two cage fighters who just happened to be staying at the hotel he was trying to hold-up. Gun-toting Luis Rosales definitely made the wrong move when he walked into the Comfort Inn hotel in LA’s Koreatown, pointed a gun at the clerk and demanded he fill a bag full of cash.

After handing over money from the till, the clerk noticed Rosales place the weapon in the bag along with the cash. He followed him out of the office, grabbed him from behind and screamed for help.

As Rosales, 31, struggled to break free the two fighters leapt into action with Denney grabbing the robber in a hold while Alvarez seized the gun. They then put him on the ground with a leg sweep and held him until police arrived.

Denney, 28, told the LA Times: ‘The manager eye-balled us and immediately started running after this guy saying “He’s got a gun, he’s got a gun, he’s got a gun, he just robbed me”.

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