Tag Archives: Hotel Safety

Hospitality Industry Legal Update: “Smoke Alarm Laws Taking Effect”

“…The biggest change, which took effect July 1, 20140225165058_87769requires all new battery-operated smoke alarms sold in California to be built with a nonremovable 10-year battery. Existing smoke detectors don’t have to be replaced until they reach the end of their 10-year lifespan or start malfunctioning…”

New smoke detector laws, including a change that took effect July 1, are intended to keep working alarms in rental properties and homes in Tracy and throughout California.

State Senate Bills 1394 and 745 are phasing in rules for installation and types of smoke alarms during the next two years.

For more: http://bit.ly/1qYv68S

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Filed under Fire, Hotel Industry, Maintenance, Management And Ownership, Risk Management, Technology

Hospitality Industry Legal Update: “Greenwood Village to Take Final Vote on Hotel-Motel Stay Limit”

“…The law would give long-term hotel and motel patrons in Greenwood Village until Nov. 1 to find a new place to live. Greenwood Village City Council meeting they will have first reading  on an ordinance amending the Greenwood Village land development code regarding length of stay in hotels and motelsA daily fine of $499 could be levied against the hotel operator, or the occupant, for violations beyond the stay limit…The hotel operator would be responsible for moving out long-term residents on a voluntary basis. But because Colorado law gives tenancy rights to anyone residing at one location for 30 days or more, those who refuse to leave could face eviction.…”

Dozens of families living in Greenwood Village hotels and motels will have to start looking for new homes if the City Council on Monday passes a measure limiting a hotel stay to no more than 30 days.

The city claims the ordinance is needed because hotels, which lack residential zoning, are not equipped to operate as long-term living facilities.

For more: http://dpo.st/1pUIf50  


Filed under Guest Issues, Hotel Industry, Management And Ownership, Risk Management

Hospitality Industry Legal Update: “Blame Flies Over Drowning Death in Seattle Hotel Pool”

“…The lawsuit claims that Deboch’s body was dragged by suction from a pump to a drain in the middle of the deep end,WA pool where it was held for nearly three hours. The suit claims that the pump’s emergency shut-off, which would have released suction after detecting a blockage, had failed. The suit also claims poor water quality prevented rescue attempts by firefighters…”

The family of a man who drowned a year ago in the swimming pool at the Quality Inn & Suites Seattle Center has filed a wrongful-death suit against the owners of the hotel, claiming poor maintenance made the water unusually murky and contributed to a botched rescue operation by firefighters.

For more: http://bit.ly/V2RT7K


Filed under Guest Issues, Hotel Industry, Liability, Maintenance, Management And Ownership, Pool And Spa

Hospitality Industry Management Update: “Hot-Sheets Bronx Motel Kept Bloody Mattress in Room Years After Customer Died of Overdose on Bed”

“…A room attendant who photographed the soiled mattress in room 230 weeksbronx hotel before the inspection told an arbitrator it had been in use up until April, 2014…The firm also found that hotel management had failed to properly train staff on how to handle sheets and towels contaminated with human waste and other substances…”

Working in this Bronx motel is a bloody hell.

The owners of a hot-sheet motel where union laborers have been protesting wage and benefits cuts failed to replace a bloody mattress two years after a dead man was found on the bed, workers claim.

Owner Ankoor Naik has also ignored two independent reports that found inadequate training and protection for employees at the 94-unit flophouse despite hazardous conditions and bedbug infestations, workers and safety experts attest.

For more: http://nydn.us/1qL4QQD 

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Filed under Bed Bugs, Claims, Employee Practices, Guest Issues, Health, Hotel Industry, Maintenance, Management And Ownership, Training

Hospitality Industry Liability Update: “Hotels Don’t Need CO Alarms, New Rules Say”

“…CO is a very real danger, and CO alarms should be in hotel rooms,”CO says Stephen Thom, a University of Maryland professor of emergency medicine and a CO specialist. “CO incidents happen in every major city regularly, and people only pay attention to the need for CO detectors when there is a tragedy…”

New international building and fire codes that will be published this summer may provide hotel guests less protection from deadly carbon monoxide.

The 2015 codes eliminate a 2012 requirement that required a CO alarm in each guest room or a detection system in all common areas, according to Michael O’Brian, a member of an International Code Council committee that recommended the new codes.

For more: http://usat.ly/1jLdVBe

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Filed under Guest Issues, Health, Hotel Industry, Injuries, Liability, Management And Ownership, Risk Management, Technology

Hospitality Industry Security Update: “Navigating Concerns and Identifying Solutions”

“…Hotels are held to extraordinarily high standards with regard to safety and security.hotelkeycard.security It is critically important that all hotel staff be trained on appropriate security procedures for all high traffic areas, including the lobby, front desk, baggage storage area, guest entry points, valet, and parking lot and receiving dock areas..”

A single act of crime on your property could diminish your brand.

Business and recreational travelers demand safe and secure hotel accommodations, as well as responsive and friendly customer service. How can hoteliers ensure that their property provides as secure an environment as possible, while maintaining friendly customer service?

Best practices for protecting sensitive business information while making people productive from

As Warren Buffet said, “it takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently.”

With that said, here are nine things to consider when it comes to blending hospitality and security.

For more: http://bit.ly/T3dyv1

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Filed under Guest Issues, Hotel Industry, Management And Ownership, Risk Management, Technology, Training

Hospitality Industry Technology Update: “Handheld Hospitality to Showcase SmartHuest App at HITEC 2014”

“…With SmartGuest, hotels can provide their guests with up-to-date information on hotel services and activities,handheld hospitality including special offers, room service, and restaurant menu selections.  Management can also send notifications of any kind in real time…SmartGuest also offers the options of sharing information on social media, or one-click-dialing or emailing for reservations.  In addition, quick search and GPS mapping allow guests to find their way in and around the hotel properties with the touch of a finger…”

HandHeld Hospitality, LLC, a leader in mobile hospitality technology, announced today that it will showcase its SmartGuest app at HITEC 2014, the world’s largest hospitality technology show.  SmartGuest is a customizable application that enables hotels to communicate directly with guests and increase revenue.

For more: http://bit.ly/1rbWmzo

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Filed under Guest Issues, Hotel Industry, Management And Ownership, Technology

Hospitality Industry Risk Management Update: “Why You Need to Track Your Travelers”

“…Another factor reducing traveler safety is lack of awareness by travelers themselves about the risks they might encounter, experts said.risk management A recent survey by travel assistance provider International SOS found that while most international travelers carry smart phones, nearly three-quarters (73%) do not use travel-related applications before or during travel. Survey respondents said they would like information about medical services and risks in their destination – but apparently they don’t want it badly enough to bother looking…”

Do you know where your travelers are? Sure, you say. “I’ve got some people in Europe and a bunch headed for a meeting in the Bahamas.” Sorry, that’s not enough information. You need more than a general idea of where your travelers are, according to safety and security experts. Not knowing where travelers are or the risks they could encounter can open your company to legal and financial liability.

For more: http://bit.ly/1ilhLGc

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Filed under Guest Issues, Hotel Industry, Management And Ownership, Risk Management, Technology

Hospitality Industry Legal Update: “Atlantic City ‘Fake’ FBI Agent Convicted of Casino-Hotel Robbery”

“…With the assistance of Borgata security, police located and arrested Jonathan P. Zembreski,new jersey casino then 32, of East Northport, N.Y., inside the casino. Zembreski was charged with robbery and impersonating a public servant or law enforcement officer and lodged in the Atlantic County Justice Facility in default of $200,000 bail…”

A New York State man has been convicted of impersonating an FBI agent inside an Atlantic City casino-hotel last year in order to gain entry to a hotel room and rob the occupant.

On March 1, 2013 at 3:49 a.m., Atlantic City police responded to the Borgata Hotel and Casino for a report of a strong-arm robbery that had occurred inside the hotel/casino.

For more: http://bit.ly/1kKjsaX

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Filed under Crime, Guest Issues, Hotel Industry, Management And Ownership, Risk Management, Theft

Hospitality Industry Risk Update: “Hospitality’s Fight Against Human Trafficking”

“…While the $32-billion human trafficking industry is on the rise, now the hospitality industry must take steps.gavel (1) With leaders like Nelson, the hospitality industry is just starting to push back, which means traffickers are going to hit obstacles never seen before. We cannot just rely on the strength of victims and the federal government to fight alone. All of us have a responsibility to stop the epidemic in our country…”

The hospitality businesses, especially hotels and restaurants, have become a harbor for human trafficking in the United States. Human trafficking comes in two forms: commercial sex trafficking and forced labor trafficking. Victims can be domestic or international. Whether it is commercial sex trafficking victims being moved through motels, or subcontracted foreign labor utilized in restaurants or hotels, traffickers have identified the hospitality industry as a vehicle for modern-day slavery.

For more: http://bit.ly/1hMzfem

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Filed under Crime, Hotel Industry, Management And Ownership, Risk Management