Tag Archives: Infestations

Hotel Industry Health Risk Management: Early Bed Bug Detection Is Critical For Successful Eradication Programs (Video)


Bedbugs have made a comeback in the US due to increased international travel. Bedbugs can crawl out of a traveler’s suitcases and establish themselves in hotel rooms. A Bedbug problem can be quite expensive. In fact, an outbreak could lead to serious litigation and large settlements and loss of business. Can your property afford it? This program trains your employees to spot bed bugs so they can be caught in the early stages and remediated before a major infestation occurs.


Filed under Health, Insurance, Liability, Risk Management, Training

Hospitality Industry Health Risks: Hotel Managers Are Finding Innovative Ways To Detect Bedbugs Early But Eradication Is Costly

“Short of putting a bedbug-sniffing beagle at your door to check everyone before they come in, you’re going to get bedbugs,” he said. “Dealing with them is the cost of doing business these days.”

State inspectors have the authority to shut down an establishment that poses an "imminent health hazard" involving fire, flood, sewage backup, rodent infestation, bed bug infestation or "any other condition that could endanger the health and safety of guests, employees and the general public."

The costs of coping with bedbugs are significant, and they are not covered by most insurance policies because they are seen as a maintenance issue. Hiring bedbug-sniffing dogs, which is considered the most effective detection technique, costs about $250 for a 1,200-square-foot retail store and as much as $10,000 for a million-square-foot department store.


Eliminating infestations is also costly, ranging from $750 for a few rooms in an office building to $70,000 for a large apartment complex. And that is just for the application of the cocktail of pesticides that kills bedbugs. It costs an additional 40 percent for the gold standard regimen of placing all the contents of an office or retail space into a heat chamber — bedbugs die at 120 degrees — and then spraying pesticides in the temporarily empty rooms.

An employee first discovered a bedbug in the 137-room hotel in 2003, and Mr. Tyler has since instituted a comprehensive bedbug detection program to find the blood-sucking insects before a guest does.

  • Mr. Tyler created a position called “bedbug technician” — an employee whose sole job is to go from room to room checking for bedbugs.
  • There is also a bedbug bounty of $10 paid to any employee who finds one.
  • If a bedbug is found, the room and all adjacent rooms are taken out of service for up to five days while they are steam-cleaned and chemically treated to eliminate the bugs and their eggs.
  • The mattresses in the rooms are also discarded. The total cost for each room is $2,500, including lost bookings.

“It sounds like a lot of money, but the value of a good reputation is infinite,” Mr. Tyler said. “Your biggest fear is that someone will get bitten and post something about it on an online travel site, and that’d be a killer.”

Bedbugs used to be solely a residential problem, but they are showing up in commercial settings, and not just in places with beds like hotels, nursing homes and apartment complexes. Increasingly, pest control companies report finding bedbugs in office buildings, movie theaters, clothing stores, food plants, factories and even airplanes.

“To stay ahead of bedbugs, I recommend having the dogs come through quarterly,” said Pepe Peruyero, chief executive of J&K Canine Academy in High Springs, Fla., which trains bedbug-sniffing dogs and offers inspections for large buildings like department stores and school dormitories. However, he added, many customers cannot afford it and instead choose to rely on the vigilance of employees after an initial dog check comes up clean.

“It takes about four to seven hours per room” for the combination heat and pesticide procedure and a couple of hours on three separate occasions if using pesticides alone, said Judy Black, technical director for the Steritech Group, based in Charlotte, N.C., which provides pest control and other quality control services to commercial customers. “Getting rid of bedbugs is not quick or easy.”

For more:   http://www.nytimes.com/2010/09/08/business/08bedbug.html?partner=rss&emc=rss


Filed under Health, Insurance, Liability, Management And Ownership, Risk Management, Training

Hospitality Industry Health Risks: Hotel Owners Must Must Undertake All Eradication Efforts To Avoid “Bed Bug” Infestation As Even “False Alarms” Are Reported

These are anxious times in the hotel industry. The pests — which hide in mattresses and bite people while they sleep — are

State inspectors have the authority to shut down an establishment that poses an "imminent health hazard" involving fire, flood, sewage backup, rodent infestation, bed bug infestation or "any other condition that could endanger the health and safety of guests, employees and the general public."

constantly in the news, and no place feels safe anymore.

Hotel and inn operators are feeling particularly vulnerable. Bedbugs have a habit of hitchhiking from place to place in suitcases. And disgruntled guests have a habit of broadcasting their bad experiences. A single negative posting on the likes of tripadvisor.com making a charming inn sound like a bedbug-and-breakfast can bring an establishment to its knees.

“I think the only people who were paying attention before were those who were dealing with it personally,’’ said Jeffrey White, an entomologist with BedBug Central, an online bedbug resource and host of “BedBug Central TV,’’ a weekly webcast. “With bedbugs popping up on buses and trains and theaters — places which everybody tends to use — it’s driving the media.’’

“Everyone has a right to voice their opinion, but it’s disheartening,’’ said Paul Sacco, president and chief executive officer of the Massachusetts Lodging Association. “It’s just awful that people can make claims that it takes forever to substantiate and forever to get them off when they’re false.’’

Another scourge in the industry is The Bedbug Registry, a public database of sightings in hotels and apartments in the United States and Canada. It was started four years ago by Maciej Ceglowski, a California computer programmer seeking revenge on bedbugs after being bitten by one in a San Francisco hotel. The sightings aren’t verified and are usually submitted anonymously. There have been 51 reports of bedbugs in Massachusetts hotels, Ceglowski said.

For more:  http://www.boston.com/news/health/articles/2010/09/02/


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Filed under Health, Insurance, Liability, Risk Management, Training

Hotel Industry Health And Safety: Bedbug Infestations Have Risen Over 80% Since 2000 And Hotels And Motels Have Been “Hit Hard”

“A trained and knowledgeable housekeeping staff is one of the best lines of defense, along with having regular pest control inspections,”

Hotels and motels have been hit hard — CNN said 67 percent of nearly 1,000 pest control companies surveyed have treated bedbug infestations in hotels or motels, and overall, calls to deal with bedbugs have increased 81 percent since the year 2000.

Even four and five-star resorts have had problems with infestations, and researchers say it’s not an issue of cleanliness.

“It’s not a hygiene issue, and that’s a very important thing for all consumers to understand,” said Missy Henriksen, a spokeswoman for the National Pest Management Association.

The American Hotel and Lodging Association said that bedbugs are brought into hotels by guests, so the best way to avoid picking up the creatures on your clothes or luggage is to thoroughly check the mattress and sofa before settling into a new hotel room.

“A trained and knowledgeable housekeeping staff is one of the best lines of defense, along with having regular pest control inspections,” the association added.

For more:  http://www.abcactionnews.com/dpp/news/health/bedbug-infestations-on-the-rise-in-u.s.


Filed under Health, Liability, Risk Management, Training