Tag Archives: Legal Risks

Hospitality Industry Health Risk: “Environmental Heat Solutions Warns That Bed Bug Cases Could Rise Due to Increase in Travel and Lack of Awareness”

“…One of the most important places to check for bed bugs, according to experts, is in hotel rooms. This is because of the amount of movement through them. Bed bugs can ‘hitchhike’ on clothing and take up residence in mattresses. Image From there, they can attach to new hosts and ‘hitchhike’ out...Individuals who are dealing with bug infestations should consider methods like bed bug heat treatment and canine bed bug detection to remedy the problem...”

Environmental Heat Solutions is spreading awareness about the rise of bed bug infestations and the reasons behind them.

There’s a silent epidemic that is sweeping the United States, and that epidemic is bed bugs. Due to a number of circumstances and a lack of proper education, more and more businesses and families are struggling with getting rid of bed bugs.

For more: http://bit.ly/1gbWqIR


Filed under Guest Issues, Health, Hotel Industry, Maintenance, Management And Ownership

Hospitality Industry Technology Update: “The Power of Cloud for Hotels”

“…Early adapters like InterContinental Hotels Group have seen a vast improvement in the operational systems and guest services with cloud systems. The cloud being cost effective, flexible, and easy to integrate, Image with increased data security eliminates chances of owning a capital investment that is outdated. Cloud PMS is now the go-to choice for the intelligent hotelier who wants to stay ahead in the competitive hospitality and travel industry…”

Technology and innovation has stopped taking us by surprise. Every year numerous new innovative solutions and technological concepts enter into the market addressing issues, solving problems, easing operations and keeping the industry vibrant and ever changing.

For more: http://bit.ly/St7jRO

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by | May 5, 2014 · 8:37 am

Hospitality Risk Solutions Technology Update: “A Child’s Efforts To Save Her Mother Lead To Changes In Hotel 911 Calls”

“…According to a survey conducted by the American Hotel and Lodging Association, which found that guests can’t simply dial 911 for help in 55 percent of all franchised hotels…But Imagethe good news here is it seems like the majority of hotels who do not have direct-dial 911, those changes can be made by reprogramming the equipment rather than replacing it…”

As her mother was being attacked, a 9-year-old girl frantically dialed 911 for help from inside an East Texas hotel room. She dialed once, twice… four times that December day, but the call never went through.

Her mother took her last breath.

What the girl did not know was that the hotel’s phone system requires a “9″ first to reach an outside line. “She told us she did what she was supposed to do,” said her grandfather, Henry Hunt. “And it didn’t work.”

For more: http://cbsloc.al/1oa8Vtw

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Filed under Claims, Crime, Guest Issues, Hotel Industry, Management And Ownership, Risk Management, Technology

Hospitality Industry Legal Update: “Three Fired Workers Sue Comfort Inn in South Portland”

“…Parker’s lawsuit alleges she was closely scrutinized and was falsely accused of wrongdoing after reporting the harassment. She was fired in February 2011 for violating the hotel’s confidentiality policy. Image The lawsuit alleges she was discriminated against because of her age, which is now 69…”

Three former employees have sued the Comfort Inn in South Portland, alleging they were fired after reporting sexual harassment by a hotel maintenance worker.

The women allege in three separate lawsuits that they faced discrimination and were subsequently fired, all in 2011, after reporting that one of them was repeatedly sexually harassed by the male worker.

For more: http://bit.ly/1koKgyP

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Filed under Employee Practices, Hotel Employees, Hotel Industry, Management And Ownership

Hospitality Industry Liability Update: ” Hotel Horrors, Avoiding the Silent Killer”

“…The organization issued a statement about the deadly gas saying  in part: proper installation andImage maintenance of fuel-fired equipment including adhering to the manufacturers  product warnings are the best measures to ensure no adverse carbon monoxide exposure occurs…”

South Carolina hotels will become a home away from home for many across the nation this summer. But a nice relaxing vacation and time by the pool could turn deadly.

“It depends how much you breath in,” says Columbia Fire Chief Aubrey Jenkins. Columbia Fire Chief Aubrey Jenkins is talking about Carbon Monoxide. It’s often called the “silent killer.” That’s because you can’t smell the gas or see it.

For more: http://www.wach.com/news/story.aspx?id=1036737#.U1_CNK1dXnw

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Filed under Claims, Guest Issues, Health, Hotel Industry, Liability, Maintenance, Management And Ownership, Pool And Spa, Risk Management

Hospitality Industry Legal Update: “Woman Suing Syracuse Hotel for $1 million After Falling Off Bar Stool, Injuring Wrist”

“…The lawsuit alleges that the bar stool was too high off the ground, built to ‘coordinate with the height of the bar top.’ Image The hotel management knew of other problems with the height of the stools, the lawsuit claims…”

An Ohio woman is suing Syracuse’s Crowne Plaza Hotel after falling off a bar stool in the public lounge.

Antoinette Allison, of Reynoldsburg, Ohio, is seeking up to $1 million for her injuries after falling off the “defective” bar stool on April 14, 2011, according to her lawsuit.

The wooden, high-back bar stool landed on her wrist after the fall, which caused multiple fractures, her lawsuit claims. The injury required surgery.

For more: http://bit.ly/QFlDFo

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Filed under Claims, Guest Issues, Hotel Industry, Injuries, Management And Ownership, Risk Management

Hospitality Industry Safety Update: “Safety Concerns About Legal Marijuana Edibles”

“…Friends say he ate the recommended dose of one-sixth of a marijuana-infused cookie on March 11. Image When he felt no effects he ate the entire cookie: six times the recommended dose. He later became irrational and jumped off a hotel balcony to his death…”

Two recent deaths and increased emergency room visits in Colorado have highlighted concerns about the safety of legal marijuana edibles.

Dr. George Sam Wang of Children’s Hospital Colorado says part of the problem is that the effects of edible marijuana begin more slowly than smokeable pot, though they tend to last longer.

“One of the dangers that we’ve been seeing with adult recreational retail use is they’ll take the recommended dose, wait, feel no effects and then continue to stack doses. Then before they know it they have a pretty large amount in their system and then they get potentially pretty severe effects,” he said.

For more: http://www.foxnews.com/health/2014/04/23/safety-concerns-about-legal-marijuana-edibles/

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Filed under Guest Issues, Hotel Industry, Management And Ownership, Risk Management

Hospitality Industry News Update: “Restaurant And Hospitality News For VARs”

This week the news includes a warning that hackers are using third-parties to gain access to data through vulnerable systems. Also, hotels and other retailers are adopting new mobile technology for check-in. Image And finally, in an interview with Forest Key of Buuteeq, we find out why hotel marketing is flying to the cloud.

Hackers Lurking In Vents And Soda Machines

This article from The New York Times discusses how your clients could be vulnerable to cyberattacks through solutions and devices be tied to a leaky third party, such as online menus, or even heating and cooling providers who now monitor and adjust office temperatures remotely, and vending machine suppliers who can see when their clients are out of Diet Cokes and Cheetos. Vendors are tempting targets for hackers because they tend to run older systems, and once hackers have found a way in, the devices offer them a place to hide in plain sight.

For more: http://www.bsminfo.com/doc/restaurant-and-hospitality-news-for-vars-april-0001

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Filed under Crime, Guest Issues, Hotel Industry, Management And Ownership, Risk Management, Technology

Hospitality Industry Legal Update: “Hotel Hospitality: How to Stay on the Right Side of the Law”

“…No hotel firm wants to see their guests get hurt or for customer death to occur that they may have contributed to. Tragedies such as these are usually completely avoidable if the hotel Image follows health and safety and hospitality law guidelines for their guests. To keep on the right side of the law make sure you are fully up to date on your legal obligations towards your clients…?

The Hilton chain of hotels and its related businesses are being sued after the death of 27 year old Raul Hernandez Martinez, who was electrocuted after using a swimming pool at the Hilton Houston Westchase Hotel. According to Chron.com, he and his relatives had been using the pool on the evening of August 31st 2013 when the pool lights turned on as it began to get dark.

People began to complain of being shocked by electrical current and a child that was swimming at the deep end began to get into difficulties. On swimming over to him to assist him, Mr. Martinez was shocked and began convulsing.  Although he managed to lift the child out of the water, he was unable to get out. When he was pulled out, he had gone into cardiac arrest. He died six days later in the intensive care unit of the local hospital.

For more: http://hlconverge.com/index.php/component/k2/item/831-hotel-hospitality-how-to-stay-on-the-right-side-of-the-law

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Filed under Guest Issues, Hotel Industry, Insurance, Liability, Management And Ownership, Risk Management

Hospitality Industry Legal Update: “Lawsuits to Recover Unpaid Wages and Damages For 89 Workers at Five Hotels Filed by US Labor Department”

“…Investigators from the division’s Columbus District Office found violations of the FLSA’s minimum wage, overtime and record keeping provisions for 61 workers jointly employed by Darpan Management and Fantastic Cleaning. Fantastic Cleaning, which provided housekeepers, attendants and laundry DOL staff for the hotels owned and operated by Darpan Management, misclassified the housekeepers, who were employees, as independent contractors. These employees were paid by the room and frequently did not earn enough to make the federal minimum wage…”

The U.S. Department of Labor has filed two lawsuits in the federal district court in Columbus against Darpan Management Inc.; five hotels the company owns and manages; and its owners, Darshan Shah, Vibhakar Shah and Prakash Patel.

One of the lawsuits addresses violations of the Fair Labor Standards Act’s minimum wage and overtime provisions for the hotel staff directly working for Darpan Management, and the other addresses similar violations for workers jointly employed by Fantastic Cleaning Ltd., a company that provided hotel staff to Darpan Management. The two lawsuits seek back wages and an equal amount in liquidated damages for 89 workers.

For more: http://www.norwalkreflector.com/article/4378786

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Filed under Claims, Employment Practices Liability, Hotel Employees, Hotel Industry, Labor Issues, Management And Ownership