Tag Archives: Legal Risks

Hospitality Industry Legal Risks: Hawaii Hotels Violate State Law In Collecting Tips And Service Charges And Not Passing It On To Employees; State Supreme Court Rules Workers Can Also Collect Damages

 “Legal experts say they’re likely settle the cases for millions of dollars since the hotels do not contest the amount of tip money that they took Hospitality Industry Wage Violation Lawsuitsin…Some of the hotels have already settle cases or were hit by adverse rulings. They include the Fairmont Hotel on the Big Island which paid $2.2 million and the Pacific Beach and Pagoda hotels, which paid a total of $2 million…the ruling came in the case involving two Maui hotels: the Wailea Marriott Resort and the Westin Maui. Several banquet service workers alleged in their lawsuit that the hotels imposed a 20 percent service charge but did not distribute the proceeds to workers…”

For years, Hawaii hotels regularly collected millions of dollars in tips from customers but only passed a portion of those service fees to the employees who earned them. Under a ruling by the Supreme Court today, that practice now violates Hawaii law. The high court said hotels and other businesses can only collect the tips if they disclose that they are going to keep some of the money.

Attorneys who filed class-action lawsuits on behalf of the employees say the hotels are liable for big damages. “I would say it’s going to be north of $10 million. we have $3 million on one hotel on Kauai alone,” said attorney John Perkin, whose firm has filed eight of these suits.

Boston attorney Shannon Liss-Riordan, whose firm is also handling eight different class-actions against Hawaii hotels, said the ruling has broad applications beyond the hospitality industry.

“This will affect the food and beverage industry in Hawaii,” she said. “It will affect hotels, restaurants and other food and beverage establishments, catering companies, country clubs.” The cases are potentially costly because the ruling says that hotel workers can collect damages of up two times the amount in tips that the hotels took.

For more:  http://www.hawaiinewsnow.com/story/22848740/hotel-workers-could-get-millions-from-lost-tips

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Hospitality Industry Legal Risks: Kansas Hotel Group Settles “Employee Termination” Lawsuit With Dept. Of Labor For $22,000 In Wages, Damages; “Workplace Safety Concerns Raised”

“…In addition to paying the back wages and compensatory damages to the former employee, True North will expunge all references to disciplinary action and termination from his personnel file and provide a written, neutral job reference, should any prospective Hospitality Industry Termination Lawsuitsemployer seek a reference for the worker…Employers must understand that every employee has the right to raise workplace safety and health concerns without fear of retaliation or termination,” said Marthe Kent, OSHA’s New England regional administrator. “When employees are fearful or reluctant to raise these issues with their employers, hazardous conditions could go undetected until employees are injured or sickened…”

As part of an enterprise wide settlement agreement with the U.S. Department of Labor, True North Hotel Group Inc., a hotel management company based in Overland Park, Kan., will pay $22,225 in back wages and compensatory damages to a former employee who was terminated from a Massachusetts location after raising workplace safety concerns. The company will also educate all its managers and notify its employees nationwide about workers’ whistleblower rights under the Occupational Safety and Health Act as administered by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).

The worker then filed a whistleblower complaint with OSHA, which investigated and found merit to the complaint. True North has elected to settle the matter by taking corrective action.

Specifically, True North will immediately post the whistleblower fact sheet and OSHA poster, in English and Spanish, in conspicuous locations at all of its work premises nationwide, where they can be seen and read by all employees. It will also provide annual training on whistleblower rights and employer responsibilities to all managers and supervisors and provide training materials to all newly hired or promoted managers.

For more:  http://www.workerscompensation.com/compnewsnetwork/workers-comp-blogwire/17039-employer-faces-heavy-fines-for-terminating-whistleblower-employee.html

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Filed under Employment Practices Liability, Labor Issues, Liability, Management And Ownership, Risk Management

Hospitality Industry Legal Risks: South Carolina Hotel And Manager Sued For “Sexual Harassment”; Created “Hostile Environment”, Failed To Discipline

“…(the plaintiffs) claim Charleston Plaza “woefully failed in its duty” to provide a non-hostile and productive work environment free from Hospitality Industry Harassment Lawsuitssexual harassment by failing to discipline, monitor or take appropriate action against Lewis when it first learned of his sexual harassment…Charleston Plaza failed in its duty to exercise reasonable care in supervising the employment of Lewis and by failing to act in a reasonable manner to prevent subsequent tortious conduct from occurring; failed to make clear to its employees that the company took its sexual harassment policy seriously; and negligently, recklessly and intentionally retained Lewis as an employee and exposed (plaintiffs) to Lewis’ offensive conduct, according to the suits…”

Two women say their former employer caused a hostile work environment and caused them damages. Penta Charleston B LLC, which is doing business as Charleston Plaza Hotel, and Andrew Lewis were named as defendants in the suit.

From 2011 to 2012, Lewis created a hostile work environment by making grabbing Cassandra Chapman and Marie Foster in front of hotel guests’ making lewd and sexual comments  about guests and co-workers; and making racial comments about African-American co-workers, according to a complaint filed May 30 in Kanawha Circuit Court.

Chapman and Foster claim they continually expressed to the district manager that Lewis’ sexual comments were unwelcome and unwanted and that his abusive conduct was interfering with their ability to adequately perform their jobs.

For more:  http://wvrecord.com/news/260766-women-say-charleston-plaza-hotel-is-a-hostile-work-environment

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Filed under Employment Practices Liability, Labor Issues, Liability, Management And Ownership

Hospitality Industry Legal Risks: Hotel Management Must Evaluate And Prepare For Potential “Punitive Damage Claims” In Lawsuits Arising From Privacy, Over Service Of Alcohol And Criminal Actions Of Employees

“…the No. 1 priority is effective case evaluation and resolution. Early factual investigation is critical in determining what happened, why it happened and who was involved. Knowing and preserving the correct version of facts and events with effective reporting mechanisms is essential Hospitality Industry Lawsuitto knowing what kind of claim possibly can be presented and what kind of exposure exists…”

“…it is critical to evaluate the potential punitive exposure early and assess the potential for a punitive claim to get to a jury. Always consider the risk that punitive damages may get to a jury, how a jury will receive the evidence and whether your hotel could be punished by a jury that is attempting to make a statement that these incidents will not be tolerated…”

Hoteliers may face the problematic public-relations case that contains a punitive damages claim. These claims include: invasion of privacy, inappropriate surveillance, over service of alcohol, and criminal actions of employees and third parties. These cases are difficult for members of the hospitality industry who pride themselves on showing customers a positive experience, want good feedback and want customers to return to their hotel.

Securing and preserving evidence, which includes photographs, videos, an accident report, incident statement and/or witness statements must be undertaken to document what the incident involves. If photographs and videos are not preserved once a hotel has notice of a claim, a court could instruct the jury that they can infer the hotel destroyed the evidence for a reason. It is critical to use technology to best find and preserve evidence. No potential accident can be overlooked as a hospitality group never knows what accidents can turn into a possible lawsuit.

For more:  http://www.hotelnewsnow.com/Articles.aspx/10625/How-to-respond-to-punitive-damages-claims


Filed under Claims, Employment Practices Liability, Guest Issues, Insurance, Labor Issues, Liability, Management And Ownership, Risk Management

Hospitality Industry Legal Risks: Hawaii Restaurant Group Settles “Sexual Harassment” Lawsuit With EEOC For $150,000, Harassment Training For All Employees & Managers

“…the (kitchen) supervisor subjected the workers, some of whom were between the ages of 17 and 19, to sexual comments, language and advances, the EEOC said.  Upon reporting the harassment to the general manager, the EEOC said, Panda Express management failed to take EEOCenough action to stop or correct the situation…”

Chinese quick service restaurant giant Panda Express will pay $150,000 to settle an EEOC lawsuit on behalf of at least three female teenagers who were allegedly sexually harassed between 2007 and 2009 while working in a restaurant in Kauai, Hawaii, the federal agency announced today.

Sexual harassment violates Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.  The EEOC filed its lawsuit in September 2012 in U.S. District Court for the District of Hawaii (EEOC v. Panda Express, Inc. and Panda Restaurant Groups, Inc., Case No. 1:12-cv-00530-SOM-RLP) after first attempting to reach a pre-litigation settlement through its conciliation process.  As part of the settlement announced today, the parties entered into a two-year consent decree requiring Panda Express to designate an in-house equal employment opportunity (EEO) coordinator; revise and distribute its anti-harassment policy and procedures; and provide annual sexual harassment training to all employees in Kapaa and to all general managers in the state of Hawaii.  EEOC will monitor compliance with the agreement, and Panda Express agreed to reinforce its protocols relating to complaints of sexual harassment in its Hawaii region.

“We commend Panda Express for working with the EEOC to correct serious lapses in dealing with sexual harassment in the workplace,” said Anna Y. Park, regional attorney for the EEOC’s Los Angeles District Office, which includes Hawaii in its jurisdiction.  “We trust that Panda Express’s company values are consistent with the goals of the EEOC’s mission, and we commend them for agreeing to broader injunctive remedies to ensure that the workers in Hawaii are protected.”

For more:  http://www.eeoc.gov/eeoc/newsroom/release/5-29-13a.cfm

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Filed under Employment Practices Liability, Labor Issues, Liability, Management And Ownership, Risk Management, Training

Hospitality Industry Employment Risks: Mississippi Restaurant Sued For “Race Discrimination” By EEOC; Hired Only Whites As Servers, Bartenders And Other Front-Of-The-House Positions

“…The EEOC  claims Stone Pony Pizza refused to hire African-American  applicants as a class for certain positions because  of their race.  Stone Pony is alleged to  have hired only whites for front-of-the-house positions such as server,  hostess, waitress, and bartender, and hired African-EEOCAmericans for  back-of-the-house positions such as cook and dishwasher. Additionally, the EEOC  charged that Stone Pony maintained a  racially segregated workforce and failed to keep job applications as required  by law…”

Stone  Pony Pizza, Inc., a Clarksdale pizza restaurant and bar, violated federal law  by refusing to hire a class of African-American applicants because of their  race, according to a lawsuit filed on Friday, May 17, 2013 by the U.S. Equal  Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).

The EEOC filed suit, Civil Action No., 4:13-cv-00092, filed in U.S. District Court for the Northern District of  Mississippi, Greenville Division, after first attempting to reach  a pre-litigation settlement through its conciliation process. The  suit was brought under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 which  prohibits discrimination based on race and color.  The suit seeks monetary relief in the form of  back pay, compensatory and punitive damages, hiring relief and an injunction  against future discrimination.

“Employers simply cannot  refuse to hire applicants based on their race, nor can they segregate employees  into certain positions based upon their race,” said Katharine Kores, district  director of the

EEOC’s Memphis  District Office.  “Applicants should be  evaluated based upon their qualifications, not the color of their skin.”

Eliminating barriers in recruitment and hiring, especially  class-based recruitment and hiring practices that discriminate against racial,  ethnic and religious groups, older workers, women, and people with  disabilities, is one of six national priorities identified by the Commission’s  Strategic Enforcement Plan.

For more:  http://www.eeoc.gov/eeoc/newsroom/release/5-20-13.cfm

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Hospitality Industry Legal Risks: Texas-Based Motel Group Faces “Class-Action Lawsuit” Over “ADA Pool Lift” Non-Compliance; “No Plan Or Policy Making Pools Accessible By Disabled People”

“…the defendant’s hotels, which are places of public accommodation, have barriers to use of the pools…the pools do not have a fixed pool lift or Hospitality Industry Class Action Lawsuitsother acceptable means of entry for disabled persons, notwithstanding that such modifications are readily achievable…the existence of barriers to use the pool at the defendant’s hotels deterred the plaintiff from staying at the defendant’s hotels, the suit says.”

G6 Hospitality Property LLC is facing a class action lawsuit alleging it is not complying with the Americans with Disabilities Act. The litigation, initiated May 20 in the Houston Division of the Southern District of Texas by plaintiff Dana Bowman, claims G6, doing business as Motel 6, failed “to design, construct and/or own or operate hotel facilities that are fully accessible to, and independently usable by, disabled people.”

Bowman, a retired Army sergeant first class, asserts that he called the respondent prior to visiting Houston on business to see if its hotels’ pools had some means of access for the disabled such as himself only to be told there were none, adding he “independently” verified the absence of a pool lift at the facilities.

According to the original petition, the respondent “does not have a plan or policy that is reasonably calculated to make all of its hotels fully accessible to and independently usable by disabled people.”

A jury trial is requested.

For more:  http://setexasrecord.com/news/285525-class-action-lawsuit-argues-motel-6-pools-inaccessible-to-disabled-guests

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Hospitality Industry Legal Risks: A List Of “High-Profile Restaurant Lawsuits” Over The Past Twenty-Five Years

  • McDonald’s customer suing over hot coffee burning her legsHospitality Industry Lawsuit

In 1992 Stella Liebeck spilled a cup of McDonald’s coffee that she had between her knees, scalding her thighs, buttocks and groin. The 79-year old woman, who later sued, suffered third-degree burns on six percent of her body. The lawsuit, which gained national attention, initially resulted in a jury awarding Liebeck $160,000 to cover medical expenses and an additional $2.7 million in punitive damages. The jury held McDonald’s 80% responsible and Liebeck, who resided in Albuquerque, New Mexico, 20% responsible for the accident. McDonald’s, who appealed the verdict, eventually settled the case with Liebeck for an undisclosed amount, less than $600,000.

  • Woman sues Wendy’s because she claimed there was a finger in her chili

Industry watchers were horrified in 2005 when a woman from Las Vegas claimed to have found a finger in her bowl of Wendy’s chili at a San Jose, California unit. Because of the adverse publicity sales at Wendy’s declined nationwide. Following the incident the FBI ran the fingerprint of the detached finger through its database with no matches found, and Wendy’s offered a $50,000 reward for information leading to the source. As it turned out the woman, Anna Ayala, had a history of lawsuits, filing 13 in Nevada and California. Ultimately the finger was traced to an associate of Ayala’s husband who had lost the finger in an industrial accident. Ayala later pleaded guilty to conspiring to file a false claim and attempted grand theft.

  • Foodmaker’s 90 lawsuits over Jack in the Box E. coli outbreaks

The restaurant industry collectively held its breath in 1993 when four children died of an E. coli 0157:H7 outbreak and 600 others were sickened. The outbreak occurred as a result of patrons eating undercooked hamburger patties at Jack in the Box locations in the Pacific Northwest. Parent company, Foodmaker, faced 90 lawsuits, each of which was settled quickly, some in excess of $7 million. The company, which stared down bankruptcy, lost thousands of customers as a result of the tragedy. Following the outbreak the chain hired highly respected food safety consultant David Theno to lead their turnaround, which ultimately made Jack in the Box the industry’s gold standard concerning food-handling practices.

  • Two Pesos versus Taco Cabana lawsuit reaches the Supreme Court

Quick-serve Taco Cabana alleged in court that the look and feel of its restaurants had been ripped off by Two Pesos, another quick-serve Tex Mex chain. Taco Cabana argued that its competitor had copied its 24-hour patio café concept, and virtually all of its interior and exterior design elements. Suing in 1987 for infringement of trade dress, the Taco Cabana lawsuit wound its way through the U.S. court system and ultimately landed in front of the U.S. Supreme Court in 1992, where the court upheld two lower court rulings. Those courts had decided in favor of Taco Cabana, awarding approximately $2 million damages.

  • In-N-Out versus CaliBurger for copying its signature burger

In-N-Out doesn’t have any units in China but its owners were none too pleased to find out that CaliBurger was serving up a Double-Double (In-N-Out’s signature burger) and also had similar architectural features, as well as palm-tree print cups and Animal style fries. Once the lawsuit for trademark infringement was filed earlier this year, CaliBurger’s owners, who were Americans with offices in Diamond Bar, California, agreed to tweak its menu and décor. “The matter has been resolved,” has been the only comment from In-N-Out.

  • Taco Bell lawsuit asks, ‘where’s the beef?

Taco Bell was recently sued in a lawsuit that essentially asked the question, where’s the beef? According to the suit the YUM-brands owned chain is using a meat mixture that contains binders, and does not meet the minimum requirements set by the U.S. Department of Agriculture to be labeled as “beef.” The lawsuit, which was filed in 2011 by an Alabama law firm on behalf of a Taco Bell customer, was eventually withdrawn but not before it had garnered headlines around the world. “This sets the record straight about the high quality of our seasoned beef and the integrity of our advertising,” Taco Bell CEO Greg Creed said at the time. “We took great exception to the false claims made about our seasoned beef and wish the attorneys had contacted us before filing and publicizing a lawsuit that disparaged our brand.”

  • BK franchisees sue parent company over $1 cheeseburger

In 2009 Burger King franchisees sued their Miami-based parent over a $1 cheeseburger promotion asking the court to agree that BK does not have the right to set prices. The National Franchisee Association, which represents more than 80 percent of the system, said BK used the promotion to boost sales in an attempt to satisfy investors at the expense of the franchisees. After a two-year court battle the franchisees dropped the suit and in the bargain now have more input on both the pricing of Value Menu items and the length of special deals. “We saw this as an opportunity to resolve our differences and move forward,” Steve Wilborg, Burger King’s president of North America, told Reuters at the time. “It’s important for our franchisees to win.”

  • The New York State Restaurant Association sues NYC over calories disclosure

The New York State Restaurant Association filed a federal lawsuit in an attempt to halt New York City’s 2008 rule that made chain restaurants disclose calorie information on their menus. The suit, filed in U.S. District Court in Manhattan, came just 10 days after the city’s Board of Health passed its new rule that would affect about 10% of the city’s restaurants. The association, which represents 7,000 eateries in the state, made the same argument two years earlier but to no avail as the rule is now completely rolled out, affecting chain restaurants with15 units or more. In a statement the city’s Department of Health said at the time. “We hoped the industry would work with us to address New York City’s obesity epidemic, but it has once again decided not to.”

For more: http://aaronallen.com/blog/restaurant-pr/ten-foodservice-lawsuits-that-have-played-out-in-the-public-eye/

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Filed under Food Illnesses, Guest Issues, Liability, Management And Ownership, Risk Management

Hospitality Industry Legal Risks: North Carolina Hotel And Restaurant Sued By Woman “Sickened By Salmonella Infection”; Lawsuit Claims Failure To Maintain Sanitary Conditions Of Food

“…(the plaintiff), who claims to have become ill after eating at the hotel restaurant, filed a lawsuit in the Cumberland County Superior Court Salmonella Enteritidisalleging the hotel owners served food that was ‘not fit for human consumption’…she also alleges that the defendant failed to ‘maintain and monitor the sanitary conditions of it’s food, drink, water, premises and employees’…”

A Fayetteville woman is seeking in excess of $10,000 in damages after she claims she became sick after eating at a restaurant at a Holiday Inn. Last week the Cumberland County Department of Public Health alerted the public of a possible salmonella outbreak after dozens of people claimed to have gotten sick after eating at the Holiday Inn Fayetteville – Bordeaux.

The Cumberland County Department of Public Health says at least 70 people have reported signs or symptoms consistent with salmonella infections and five people were hospitalized. Twelve of those who reported symptoms are out of state. All of the people appear to have eaten at the All American Sports Bar and Grill and The Café Bordeaux within the hotel.

Health officials are worried that the outbreak could spread nationwide because the hotel is alongside Interstate 95.

For more:  http://www.wncn.com/story/22309597/woman-files-lawsuit-against-fayetteville-hotel-linked-to-salmonella-outbreak


Filed under Food Illnesses, Guest Issues, Health, Labor Issues, Liability, Management And Ownership, Risk Management

Hospitality Industry Legal Risks: Kentucky Motel Owners And Manager Sued For “Negligence” By Woman Injured When Stairway Broke Away From Second-Floor Landing

“… stairway connecting a second-floor landing to a third-floor landing broke away at the lower end while the women were on it…(the plaintiff) states in her Hospitality Industry Injury Lawsuitssuit that the defendants were negligent by “specifically allowing or creating a hazardous condition in the stairwell of the premises by failing to ensure that the steps were safe for use …she also alleges the owners and manager should have known about the unstable stairwell…”

One of the women injured in a staircase collapse last month at a local motel is suing the business in Madison Circuit Court. Amanda Williams filed the suit May 15, alleging the owners and operators of the Super 7 motel, Richmond Host LLC and Alisha LLC, were negligent in maintaining the property, specifically the “unstable stairwell.”

Williams also is suing Paul Patell, who is listed in the suit as the motel’s local manager. On April 23, two women were injured when a set of exterior stairs collapsed.

Williams and another woman were taken by ambulance to Baptist Health in Richmond, and one of the women later was taken to the University of Kentucky Medical Center, according to a Madison County EMS official.

Williams said she suffered “serious and severe personal injuries” to her spinal cord and legs. She will need prolonged medical attention and may require surgery, according to the lawsuit.

Williams is suing to recover the costs of her medical care, pain and suffering, mental distress, future medical expenses and lost wages.

For more:  http://richmondregister.com/localnews/x508507707/Woman-sues-Super-7-over-staircase-collapse

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