Tag Archives: Mobile Technology

Hospitality Industry Information Security: Study Finds Hotels Are "Prime Targets" For Financial Data Theft; "Infiltration Of Smartphones Through Bluetooth Technology"

“…Hotels also are prime targets for people looking to steal financial data. In a study of 200 data-breach cases, Trustwave’s SpiderLabs, the online security company’s research arm, found 38 percent occurred at hotels or resorts…”

Two key challenges for travelers involve the use of unsecured wireless networks at hotels, airports and other public venues and the infiltration of smartphones through Bluetooth technology.

Identity theft can be a rude awakening for many business travelers. Last year, identity theft made up 19 percent of the 1.3 million complaints stored in the Consumer Sentinel Network, a secure online database available to law-enforcement agencies.

Experts say business travelers are especially vulnerable because they increasingly rely on electronic devices that easily can be lost or hacked. Credant Technologies, a data-protection company, found that travelers have lost 11,000 mobile devices at the busiest U.S. airports this year, 37.5 percent of them laptops and 37.2 percent tablets or smartphones.

“You are 15 times more likely to have your identity stolen than to have your car broken into,” said Todd Davis, chairman and CEO of LifeLock, an identity-theft protection company.

For more:  http://www.delawareonline.com/article/20111218/BUSINESS/112180321/Identity-theft-risk-increases-when-traveling?odyssey=mod%7Cnewswell%7Ctext%7CBusiness%7Cs


Filed under Crime, Guest Issues, Liability, Management And Ownership, Privacy, Risk Management, Technology, Theft

Hospitality Industry Privacy Risks: Mobile Phone Carriers Confirm That Mobile Devices "Integrate Tracking Software" That Reveals User's Location

“…AT&T, Sprint, HTC, and Samsung today confirmed that their mobile phones integrate a controversial piece of tracking software from a company called Carrier IQ..”

“…the software can be tweaked to gather more intrusive data about a user’s location, the software and applications on the device, which keys are being pressed and what applications are in use…”


Both wireless carriers AT&T and Sprint insisted that the software is being used solely to improve wireless network performance while phone makers HTC and Samsung said they were integrating the software into their handsets only because their carrier customers were asking for it.

Meanwhile, several large carriers and handset makers, including Verizon, Research In Motion, and Nokia, distanced themselves from the software and insisted that reports about their devices integrating the tool are false.

The controversy began last week when independent security researcher Trevor Eckhart published a report disclosing how Carrier IQ’s software could be used by carriers and device makers to conduct surreptitious and highly intrusive tracking of Android and other smartphone users.

Eckhart described the software as a hard-to-detect and equally hard-to-remove rootkit that could be used by carriers and phone makers to collect almost any kind of data from a mobile phone without the user’s knowledge. Eckhart said his research showed that Carrier IQ’s software was often enabled to run by default on several mobile devices including those from Samsung, HTC, RIM, and others.

A lot of the information collected by Carrier IQ is designed to enable mobile operators and device vendors to quickly identify and address quality and service-related issues.

For more:  http://www.macworld.com/article/163982/2011/12/atandt_sprint_confirm_use_of_carrier_iq_tracking_software_on_mobile_phones.html

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Filed under Guest Issues, Liability, Management And Ownership, Privacy, Risk Management, Technology

Hospitality Industry Internet Risks: Recent Studies Show Dramatic Increases "Mobile Space Cybercrime" As Criminals Focus On Smartphones And Tablets

“…The usage of Internet through mobile phone had been on a rapid upward trend. This led to 42 per cent more mobile vulnerabilities last year compared to the year before, as shown in a Symantec Internet Security Threat Report…”

“…cybercriminals were starting to focus their efforts on the mobile space as more and more mobile users switched to smartphones and tablets instead of the conventional desktops…”

A recent worldwide study conducted by Norton by Symantec aimed at unveiling the cost of global crime, has concluded that online adults footed a bill of over US$388 billion in the past year.

According to Symantec Corporation Sdn Bhd consumer sales manager Jason Mok, the price tag came to be as the study took into account not only the direct cash cost of cybercrime – that being the money stolen by cybercrime and money spent on resolving cyber-attacks – which was up to US$114 billion, but also the amount which victims of cybercrime valued the time they lost to cybercrime, which was US$274 billion.

“The Norton Cybercrime Report 2011 found that more than two thirds of online adults have been a victim of cybercrime in their lifetime. Every second, 14 adults become a victim of cybercrime, resulting in more than one million cybercrime victims per day,” stated Mok, who also pointed out that the rate was higher than the worldwide birth rate.

Mok marked this as a sign that cybercriminals were starting to focus their efforts on the mobile space as more and more mobile users switched to smartphones and tablets instead of the conventional desktops.

“This had led to an increasing importance of mobile security, as you are not only losing your phone or tablet, you are losing your personal information, identity as well as your money,” Mok informed the crowd during a media briefing held at a hotel here yesterday.

Read more: http://www.theborneopost.com/2011/11/16/norton-by-symantec-study-reveals-alarming-rate-of-cybercrime-caused-by-under-protection/#ixzz1dvTlh9u3

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Filed under Crime, Guest Issues, Insurance, Liability, Management And Ownership, Risk Management, Technology, Theft

Hospitality Industry Guest Service: Hotels Will Optimize "Guest Satisfaction" By Following Retail Industry Leaders Such As Nordstroms In Using "Hand Held" Devices For "Check-In, Room Key Cards, Spa, Restaurant And Other Services"

“…Nordstroms’ President, Blake Nordstrom, announced that some 5,000 hand held devices will be in the hands of Sales Associates by this July…”

“…everyone is in Guest Services…no more Front Desk – we have a Concierge Center. Check folks in right there on your hand held, take their credit card impression, dispense the “room key card”, via e-mail, and the bar code will open the Guest Room door, plus be used for all Hotel charges – spa, restaurant, golf, etc…”

 Nordstrom’s credo is exceptional Customer Service, and,   for those of us who have waited in line or even tried to find a Sales Associate in these large stores, the mobile application is just great.  By the way, Nordstroms just posted a 6.5 percent increase in first-quarter same-store sales.

Many operations already have the option of Kiosks, but they are so impersonal.  Get your people out from behind their desks (those barriers), meeting, greeting and rooming your Guests.  This is the “personal touch” in a technical world, and, watch, in 3-5 years this is what it will look like.

For more:  http://www.hoteltechresource.com/article54896.html

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Hospitality Industry Risk Solutions: New York Hotel Introduces "iPads" Into Guestrooms For Room Service, Concierge Communications, And Room Controls As Technology Delivers Instantaneous Quality Control Throughout Property

[vimeo http://vimeo.com/19170938]

 At the touch of a screen, guests are able to order room service, make restaurant reservations, communicate directly with the concierge, request wake-up calls, explore NYC destination guides, and even check airline schedules and print boarding passes (which are promptly delivered to their room). Guests can even use the iPad to control the lights in their room as well as the heat and air conditioning systems.

New York’s Plaza Hotel is offering iPads in each of its guest rooms and suites. The program, which launched in January, makes the landmark hotel on Central Park South the first hotel in the world to provide guests services and room controls using iPads and Intelity’s ICE (Interactive Customer Experience) software to all of its guests.

“We chose the iPad because it is a great piece of equipment that is here to stay and won’t disappear tomorrow,” adds Krige. “It brings another five star element to the hotel.”

The iPads will not replace the human element at The Plaza.

“They are not meant to replace our concierge service and the personal touch we are known for,” Krige says. “It is to provide more choice. At a five star hotel you should have choices—if you want to use the iPad, you can do so. If you want a butler service, that is available, too. If you want to be left alone, that is a choice, as well. By putting the iPads in the guest rooms, we are bringing a new technology to everyone’s fingertips.”

In addition to providing a service to guests, the system helps the hotel track how it responds to requests made by guests, such as how long it takes to deliver a requested toothbrush. “If you order a pair of slippers, the request will go directly to the slipper department with no intermediary,” says Krige. “The requests go directly to the end producer, so that they can be very efficient.

For more:  http://www.luxist.com/2011/02/03/the-plaza-in-new-york-offers-ipads-in-all-guest-rooms-and-suites/

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Hospitality Industry Technology Issues: Hotel Managers Must Recognize The Importance Of Video For Marketing, Information Sharing, Communication And Education

“… innovation is going to be led by video and many companies are not prepared to capitalize on its power.  Everywhere around you people have smart phones and they do something with it that has an element of video. That is very different than we did a couple of years ago.”

(As) video becomes integrated in many different business models and sooner or later all companies, regardless of industry, will need to find creative ways to incorporate video into marketing, sharing of information, communication, and learning. Those companies that are unable to cater to different audiences via various media will suffer.

“It’s not just the phone industry or the media industry. It is going to be incorporated into every business model you find around the globe.”

Verwaayen says the U.S. and Europe have embraced different content formats and that Asia is catching on. ” The world is going to be a place where applications are going to cater to the taste of consumers and from that perspective consumers have all the power.”

For more:  http://blogs.forbes.com/miasaini/2011/01/26/davos-explosion-of-video-is-next-technological-innovation/

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Hotel Industry Technology: Hotel Owners Will Raise "Guest Satisfaction" With Increased Availability Of Mobile Device "Host-Based" Applications On Hotel Facilities And Events

“…a conference application, which put all the materials you typically get at a conference on the device, but also a directory of all the other people at the conference, with photos. We could push video and photos to the device during the meeting and update things real time as the conference was happening.”

Clearly the consumers, the guests we serve, are increasingly on the road and increasingly connecting to us through mobile devices, and there’s a tremendous pace of innovation on these devices. We don’t talk about smart phones now as much as we talk about super phones.

We’ve already launched applications for the iPhone across our brand, but we’re also building out applications for other mobile devices–a whole host of location-based services. You could imagine a time when a guest wants to find things around the hotel, or even within the hotel they’re at—if they need to find a coffee shop or a clothing store because they have forgotten something for their trip.

We rolled out 2,500 iPads—the largest one-day rollout of the iPad ever. We included on those iPads a couple interesting applications—a conference application, which put all the materials you typically get at a conference on the device, but also a directory of all the other people at the conference, with photos. We could push video and photos to the device during the meeting and update things real time as the conference was happening.

The other application we piloted was the beginning of a virtual concierge idea. It allows our guests to order room service from the device, find out more information about the hotel, see all the information that is typically in a booklet on the desk in the hotel room—with rich video and audio and linked right into the property management system at the hotel.

For more:  http://www.smartplanet.com/people/blog/pure-genius/hilton-cio-mobile-device-use-in-hotels-is-skyrocketing/5332/

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Hospitality Industry Technology: Hotel Management Must Look To Increase Service To Improve Guest Satisfaction Via Cell Phone Applications Such As “E-Butler”

The E-Butler program is actually a mobile app that is available from the iTunes app store for free.

  • Guests can download it prior to arriving at the hotel and then once they arrive
  • They can start communicating electronically with their butler.
  • The app also features an “Insider’s Guide” from New York’s various personalities such as Vogue’s André Leon Talley, fashion designer Jason Wu, chef Alain Ducasse, architect David Rockwell and the Village Voice’s Michael Musto.
  • They comment their favorite shops, restaurants and city landmarks
  • If the guest wants to book one of these recommendations, they can do so directly through the E-Butler.

While the app is available to all to download, there are some restrictions accessing the butler–namely the app prompts all guests to enter their passcode, name, email and room number.

For more:  http://www.hotelchatter.com/story/2010/12/21/17165/533/hotels/ButlerLeaks_Messages_from_the_St_Regis_New_York_s_E_Butler


Filed under Guest Issues, Management And Ownership, Technology, Training

Hotel Industry Technology Issues: Successful Hotels Of Future Must Invest In Mobile Phone And In-Room Technology To Earn Sophisticated Guest Loyalty

To be successful, hotel companies need to spend more on initiatives such as mobile phone booking technology, smart cards, social networking and product innovation in rooms, Deloitte said yesterday at the launch in Dubai of its Hospitality 2015 five-year report on the future of the hotel industry.

  • By 2015 hotel rooms could have floors with built-in sensors that light the way for guests
  • Doors that can be unlocked through mobile phones
  • Alarm clocks that wake guests by increasing the amount of light in their rooms.
  • Guests should be able to text or e-mail their preferences so their rooms are set up to meet their requirements.

 “As an industry we are dreadful at technology,” said Alex Kyriakidis, the global managing partner at Deloitte’s tourism, hospitality and leisure division.

Technology spending in the sector is predicted to rise by just 0.9 per cent a year between 2008 and 2013 in terms of the compound annual growth rate.

“In our industry, of course, the airline is leading,” said Mr Kyriakidis.

“Now the airline has converged the entire experience on to your PDA [personal digital assistant]. With some carriers today you can do everything on your mobile phone from your booking, to your check-in, to boarding at the gate by scanning your mobile phone, all the way through on to your chosen seat on the aircraft.

For more:  http://www.thenational.ae/business/travel-tourism/hotel-industry-urged-to-get-technology-up-to-speed

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Hospitality Industry Technology Issues: Hotel Management Needs To Integrate Mobile Technology Into Operations To Increase Productivity And Reduce Costs

“Hoteliers are looking to educate themselves and learn to better market to travelers on the go,” said Kim, whose study included dozens of directors and GMs. She found that hoteliers support using mobile technology to increase employee productivity and cost reduction.

Kim’s study also found that hoteliers expect a mobile device to be at least iPhone-sized with a touch screen and the ability to interface with a hotel’s property-management system.

Specific operational applications of technology included allowing engineers to remotely keep track of hotel systems, control energy use remotely and support employee multitasking while reminding them of pending tasks.

After Kim showed her survey, a panel discussion took place discussing the merits and limitations of hoteliers relying on mobile technology.

“Mobility is death by a thousand cuts,” said Alan Dabbiere of Airwatch, which manages guest wireless for more than ten thousand locations, referring to the complexity of upgrading a hotel’s infrastructure to utilize the latest mobile technology. “I think we have Steve Jobs to thank or blame for some of this. It wasn’t until he consumerized it and made it sexy, and now people are becoming very personal about their mobility.”

Sukhvinder Singh, VP of IT for Host Hotels, talked at length about the difficulties hoteliers face in updated outdated hotel infrastructure in hotels with older builds.

“There’s been a paradigm shift in hospitality–we lag behind in technology, we do walls twice and carpets four times before we do technology,” said Singh. “People should appreciate we are now looking at next wave of technology since hotels have not paid attention to infrastructure for last 20 years.

For more:  http://www.hotelworldnetwork.com/wireless/hoteliers-talk-infrastructure-upgrades-mobile-technology-seminar

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